View Full Version : You play good AGAIN and look what happens (not mean)

June 23rd, 2003, 02:43 AM
Alright, it's 3:35 in the morning (monday) and I was just bored so I looked at the status page here on the Merc site. I jumped in the "Dust On The Bayou Too" server you have listed because it was full as usual.

I'll make this quick, I jumped in at the tail end of dust2002 and ran up a 5-0 just before the map ended. Next map: Aztec. I run a quick 14-0 and they start the complaining. Next thing you know, I'm 29-4 and I'm staring at "Kicked by console:"

I'm not posting here because I want to toot my own horn or anything. I play on the Merc server and the other servers you have listed because they are local I'm assuming. Like the [lag] server that I got banned from... I play this game for the community, the social aspect of playing with the same group of people all the time, and yeah sure, I play for the drama too.

The point of this post: I play on local servers because hopefully you all know me by now. I've been playing on Merc for like 3-4 years now as "yesterday" "tomorrow" "day" "today" and all those other lame time related names I've used. I've been to 2 different Merc LANs, including the recent Armaggedon. And if you guys know me, why do I still get banned and kicked for suspected hacking? I don't hack. I wouldn't play as much as I do if I did. It would get really old really fast. I bring this issue here to the Merc forums because the suspection has happened on your server, too.

June 23rd, 2003, 04:16 AM
Day, I'll be straight up with you. Yes, there may be some suspicion. IMHO, the reason being is because you play 10 times better on the internet than you do at any lan. BUT, there is one thing you are forgetting, we are not the ones that banned you. Being Suspicious and actually thinking you hack are 2 different things. If you are trying to say something by your post, please spit it out and get it over with. If not, I think you should approach the people who banned you to find your answers.

June 23rd, 2003, 04:51 AM
lol yeah i own you on lan (with the awp hax :D) but we go pretty good against each other on inet :) i own you at quake 3 too LOL remember that "i'm not playing with you anymore" LMAO good times-- good times...

June 23rd, 2003, 05:11 AM
I'd like to add one more thing and this goes out to everyone who likes to whine about LA_MERC's server. There are 20,000+ Counter-Strike servers out there and only about 19,000 of them are as good as but I doubt any better than LA_MERC's server. You are more than welcome to find another one of these servers to play on because I doubt it will hurt the feelings of any one of us.

June 23rd, 2003, 05:44 AM
Another thing I don't understand: If you have a problem with a certain clan, why take it up on the forums of a clan that isn't involved? You have a beef with the COPS, go to their forums and talk with them about it. You have a beef with us, come here and talk to us. These forums shouldn't be about slamming other clans based on their game policing capabilities.

June 23rd, 2003, 06:16 AM
Day, I'm really getting tired of hearing your "problems" on other servers. The last thread you started on this took a definite negative turn and was not necessary. Please do not bring more of your business with other clans into our forums with your negative innuendos.

June 23rd, 2003, 10:39 AM
I think the neg. post of Clans that we have no prob at all should be takin off right away.I dont want any clan to think that the MERCs are like old ladys that talk about everybody comming and going.So what i would do is take this tread off all togather...And maybe the post even needs to be sent to C.O.P

June 23rd, 2003, 10:40 AM
Dirge and Toby said it all...thread closed.


June 23rd, 2003, 10:51 AM
This thread is going in the same direction as the last thread on this issue.

I'm going to close this thread and I advise everyone that if they have a problem with another clan because of banning reasons then they need to message that clan or post on their forums to see about getting the issue resolved.

June 23rd, 2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_i||ega|-op

I'm going to close this thread.....

Umm...didn't I just say that??:D

