View Full Version : Yeah and monkeys might fly out my butt

June 18th, 2003, 01:36 PM

June 18th, 2003, 01:41 PM
wtf? oh yeah.....ok

June 18th, 2003, 01:44 PM
Yeah, I saw that one and I was like WTH?! Personally, someone tries to kill my PC, I am going to go after theirs with a vengance.

June 18th, 2003, 02:16 PM
YEah, ANTI-terrorism huh?

THey destroy my property, i shall be extremely angry.

June 18th, 2003, 02:39 PM
WTF??? pls.. dis guy is a real arsehead..

Crazy White Boy
June 18th, 2003, 03:04 PM
Old mofo prolly cant even opperate a pc.

June 18th, 2003, 03:05 PM
Hes a nazi......

June 18th, 2003, 03:13 PM
i just welcome someone to do anything to my PC and they will be buying my a new and improved one...Man if I could only cuss...

June 18th, 2003, 03:26 PM
How many trashed computers would that make. Every single person I know.. Downloads MP3s. I would say 97% of my school has Kazaa... that alone is nearly 5000 pcs... almost all of my friends parents have kazaa... Lets see how far this goes. What is Kazaa's special stat they claim.. the most downloaded program ever? like 197 million? or something? that is quite a few computers

June 18th, 2003, 03:28 PM
excuse me. this is what they say: The worlds most downloaded software application! Over 2.5 million downloaded last week...

June 18th, 2003, 04:23 PM
thats a lot of death threats and lawsuits

June 18th, 2003, 07:03 PM
Its all about control and Money of course. I am sure the Music industry is not making as much money as it use to, but losing money, I don't think so. If record sells were that bad you would hear about it all the time, you do hear how sells are down, but you don’t see a panic about it. If it was bad, you would hear how M & M had to stand on the sidewalk and ask for food, or you would hear how Metallica was mowing lawns, or how 50 cent really only has 50 cents, but you don’t hear that do you. I just love it when Billionaires complain about the pennies they lose. I will tell you this; if they think it is going to end they are wrong. I hope these guys do try to shut it down, I hope there are large violent riots over this, I hope hackers unit and tare these guys up. I also hope the Nazis creating software to trash my system realize what is coming for them too. Note to self, finish hidden basement, installing sound proofing, and buying new chain saw.

I will give them this, the only reason sales have gone down is that the choice of good music has done the same. ps I hope all Madonnas hair falls out :)

June 18th, 2003, 09:09 PM
w00t w00t w00ty w00t GO get em Dano!

June 18th, 2003, 09:26 PM
lmao....get em Trey.

June 18th, 2003, 11:50 PM
HA HA HA HA...I would tell them ,but you did a better job than i could .......

June 19th, 2003, 06:22 AM
If they did do something like that i beilieve the situation would backfire on the music industry. By threatening me, the cd's that i do buy (not many) would become none. I look at it the same way i view major league baseball....you biatch about not making more than one million per year, even strike over it, while i'm bustn' my ass just to survive! Well screw major league baseball and all who play it, and screw the music industry for the same dang reasons!!! I will purchase cd's of bands that i really like (not many like mentioned above), but most of today's music is crap anyway.

June 19th, 2003, 06:34 AM
The truth......There is absolutely nothing the government or anyone else for that matter can do to stop people from doing whatever it is they want to do with their PC's. As long as there has been a digital language, there has and always will be reverse engineers, ie, crackers, who will break the code and offer free hacks and fixes to anyone who wants it. You see, the internet and PC users are the only things the government has no control over what so ever. I mean sure they can hinder people, but they can not stop them. Hackers break into the Congress DB's all the time, it is only the sloppy ones who get caught or make it noticeable. The reason the Gov is threating like it is is simply, they fear what they can not put their thumb on and control or at least suppress.
I say give me my MP3 and just try and wax my PC. I say, bring the noise Biatches, I'll bring the heat.

w00t w00t w00t. Take the red pill.

June 19th, 2003, 06:47 AM
I have a great swell of pity for those who would come to this house one day and try to take my computer.

June 19th, 2003, 01:34 PM
You know I felt something kinda itchy feeling and thought it was just my himroids but, no it was actully a monkey trying to fly out my butt.... crazy I don't know how it got there in the first place. I guess I'll just have to ask purty mouth the next time I see him...


It's just a joke guy's a monkey didn't really fly out my butt.

Seriously though Juabe for once is right as long as there is people to "creat" barriers there is allways someone to "tear" them down. It has allways been that way. Tell someone not to do it and bam they do it. What they need to tell us is do it and then we would probably all stop.

You know forign nation's take the hackers they catch and put them to work for their government our's we take and lock them behind bars and tell them no soup for you and say hello to you cell mate Bubba.

It's all wrong I tell you all wrong..

June 19th, 2003, 04:30 PM
They'll have a tough time finding me through that anonymous proxy in belgium....

He's just talking out of his butt though. That's impossible to track and enforce. The fact is that the music industry has been screwing over the world for decades and now they're losing their grip. They missed out on a huge distribution medium in the internet and they're struggling to hang on. Just like pony express riders and stage coach drivers, the music industry is being made obsolete by technology. Artists can do on their PC's now what you used to have to pay someone thousands to do in a studio.

June 22nd, 2003, 06:39 AM
i agree with what tom petty said. if the record companies didn't keep jacking the price up from what used to be 9 bucks now to 18 or 20 depending on were you go and if you want an unedited or "radio" version. you wouldn't have people in as great a number as you do today taking what they can't afford. i know when i would be making maybe around 250 every two weeks (geez louisiana sucks) i could barely afford to put gas in my truck after bills much less any extras like cd's. millions of dollars for what anyone with a good voice and alot of times not can do... hell you don't even have to be creative you can have someone else write your songs and still get paid your millions... if i keep going i'll just be a dumbass rambling and i hate rambling. so yeah its stupid, won't happen, and if it does the government will be implmenting marshall law for all the rioting or paying aloooot of money to the millions who they will be pissing off....
