View Full Version : For those playing SWG

June 16th, 2003, 08:42 PM
It wont be much longer from now that the retail version of the game will be released. We are testing a recent patch and will so how it goes from there.

Anyone interested in playing please post here and give your profession you are seeking to become. I have tested almost all of the professions (except scout) and can give insight.

If you get together as a group we will accomplish alot more alot faster. Upon the games release we can move our conversations to my SWG website if need be (www.swgalliance.com). Anyway, I look forward to hearing from all interested in playing and hoping we can form a solid group.

LMT: We need a group of approximately 12 people to be effective.

June 17th, 2003, 11:23 AM
i would love to play.. but i gots to get the game!.. lol

June 17th, 2003, 12:11 PM
This just out:

Official Press Release from Lucasarts - June, 17 2003



June 17th, 2003, 01:33 PM

Yesterday, they told us around 2 weeks for us to find the bugs with the new patches the incorporated that day. Guess they pushed it up.

June 17th, 2003, 05:27 PM
I'm definetly going to be playing.
I've already preordered the game.
I've been trying to decide about the professions.

How do the skills work? I read that they were going to allow 3 skills to master and one misc. skill. By "skills" are they meaning professions (marksman, medic, weapons builder, ect...) or do they mean subskills (pistol marksmanship, rifle marksmanship, ranged combat, etc)?
I'm thinking of either being a weapons builder or a combat medic(human or zabrac), but I also had a really cool idea for a bothan scout\sniper\explorer combo. What do you think Sortie?

June 17th, 2003, 11:32 PM
Each profession requires a certain amount of skill points to complete. You do start with more than enough skill poits to complete an entire profession and start another. However, there are subcatergories that lies with each catergory that may not be required for you to reach you profession but allow you to do things that would help towards other goals. It all depends on how specific you want to get in your choice of profession(s).

June 18th, 2003, 11:03 PM
Cool, I preordered the game also. I cant wait for it, dont know what race or profession I want to play though. I would like to be able to craft weapons. Sortie have you crafted any weapons in the game, if so is it hard to do and are they any good? I think I want to play a Wookie, but I know they cant speak common, so will that be a problem with communicating with other people. Is there a skill that allows you to understand Shirwook(dont know if that is spelled right) or something like that?

June 19th, 2003, 12:11 AM
Actually, that is the profession I am currently playing. (a Novice Weaponsmith). Yes, Crafting weapons is neat. There are many constants that determine how powerful the weapons you make are.

1. You amount of skill at making weapons.
2. The materials you use.
3. Sometimes just luck of the draw.

You start off as a Novice Artisian. You start mining you materials to start building simple gadgets to gain Engeneering experiemce. After you have gained 4 levels as an Engineer, you can than move on to A Novice Weaponsmith.

The game takes alot of things into consideration. You dont just grab some materials and start making them all., You can only make certain weapons at certain levels. Granted the higher level you are the more powerful weapons you can make. This pretty much applies to all Craftsman style professions.

June 20th, 2003, 07:24 AM
Here are 100+ screenshots of the beta that were recently posted. This is good for those of you who are not in the beta, so you can get an idea of how the game looks.


June 20th, 2003, 02:07 PM
I"m there..i have the game pre-ordered. Sortie have u seen any jedi's yet? i know they are going to be rare but seeing 2 jedi's fight would be sweet

June 20th, 2003, 04:13 PM
I haven't seen any Jedi's. I did happen to be in a Rebellion town on Tatooine when the Empire attacked.

I did find out that there is PVP if you join either the Rebel or Empire faction. If you go sporting your badge then the opposing faction can (and will) attack you.

The fight was really neat. One of the Empire guys had one of those big Walker things like on Return to the Jedi at the scene where they were on Endor trying to take the Comm tower to lower the shields on the deathstar. Over I think I saw about 20 - 30 players get killed in the battle. At the end the Rebellion held on to the city due to reinforcements arriving.

June 20th, 2003, 04:22 PM
that's sweet..i can't wait for the release..w00t..posts some pictures :D

June 20th, 2003, 05:04 PM
There is a planned Empire raid that a Rebel spy told us about, I will try to take some screenshots of it.

June 22nd, 2003, 12:13 AM
heheh yeah me likes the beta despite what i've heard from alot of people who HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED IT YET :) i think its going to be taking up alot of my spare time when it comes out...
