View Full Version : Frustration

June 9th, 2003, 07:13 PM
Ok..I own a dell desktop and laptop which I have really been happy with so far, until I had an issue today. My fan died on my laptop, so I call Tech support and I wind up in India, not a problem though the language barrier made everything take longer. I had to call back about 6 times, every call I was bounced back to, you guessed it India. Its not that I have anything against the country, but it's like trouble shooting with Apu from the simpsons's, Half the time I couldnt understand them and vice versa. Has anyone else had the same problem? If this is the way they are going to handle Tech support I dont think I will be buying anymore Dell products:( Oh boy I feel so much better now that I have vented..

June 9th, 2003, 07:15 PM
The key to getting something fixed through Dell, go online, find the part you need and tell them to send it to you. Or, better yet, buy it off of E-bay...because, chances are pretty good, some boon ordered the wrong part, and you can get it cheap!

-FA- ManiacalClown
June 9th, 2003, 08:18 PM
Dell desktops = great

Dell laptops = BAD

June 9th, 2003, 08:19 PM
I dunno man, I took one apart the other day...it was much nicer to work on than my old Gateway crap-top...

June 9th, 2003, 08:21 PM
Well, im in the market for one for my wife..if you dont like Dell what would you buy?? Any help welcome..

June 10th, 2003, 01:49 PM
Yes as far as working on them they are the easiest to work on out there I've worked on IBM, Dell, CPQ. The Dell is the easiest and over all not a bad machine.

June 10th, 2003, 04:39 PM
I am a computer Tech at Best Buy, I see Dell stuff all the time. As far as laptops go, if a fan goes out Tech support can't help you, its broke, send it to Dell, it needs to be fixed. There are no secret tricks or magic spells that can be used to make a faulty device work, the fan needs to be replaced. Box it up send it out :) The only time Tech support would help is if there is a software problem and most of the time Dell is going to tell you to Restore your laptop....why you ask? because that is what the little green computer screen in front of the 5.25 an hour lacky is telling him to tell you, you tell him the problem, he punches it into the computer, the machine tells him what to tell you. If you have any reel Tech questions post them here first. Most of the tips you will get here are about 1,000 times more usefull than theres.

June 10th, 2003, 05:03 PM
Thanks for the advice Dan. I will post here next time I have a prob. The bad thing was I new my fan crapped out but since its under warranty they wouldn't just send it to me, they made me call tech support and after they were satisfied that it really was broken, the only way to get the part was to have a "certified Dell Technician" come to my house and install it. I was tripping, he came the next day and put it in. The whole thing was weird but it got fixed. The Tech said he gets sent out all the time for stuid stuff like that if the machine is still under warranty. What a joke Huh:)

June 10th, 2003, 07:13 PM
d00d, whats wrong with that?? Lots better then boxing it up and waiting 4-6 weeks for your comp back. House calls rule!!!


Eon Blue Apocalypse
June 10th, 2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by sLingbLade
Thanks for the advice Dan. I will post here next time I have a prob. The bad thing was I new my fan crapped out but since its under warranty they wouldn't just send it to me, they made me call tech support and after they were satisfied that it really was broken, the only way to get the part was to have a "certified Dell Technician" come to my house and install it. I was tripping, he came the next day and put it in. The whole thing was weird but it got fixed. The Tech said he gets sent out all the time for stuid stuff like that if the machine is still under warranty. What a joke Huh:)

Ok, So a guy came out the next day and fixed it...that is wonderful!
BUT...let me ask you this, Was he from INDIA too and did he come up in your driveway on a camel or a sacred cow? LOL

Glad you got it fixed promptly.


June 10th, 2003, 07:45 PM
Dell is good with tech support and accepting damaged products to be replaced. When I bought mine, I basically fried the whole computer before I even had a chance to use it...(long story) I called them a few times and finally they got sick of me. They told me to box it up and send it back. They sent a brand new computer, same components and everything. I was like weeeee!

June 10th, 2003, 08:16 PM
Apoc, quit overclocking your CPU...

June 11th, 2003, 05:51 AM
I to have a Dell and i do Love it... never gives me problems.... except for the price on my Ram LoL just ask Toby LoL

June 11th, 2003, 05:54 AM
and yes i have called support b4 and OMG i got a camel Jocky from the far reaches of Egypt or somthing.. LoL I just asked him to patch me to someone who speak clear english LMAO

June 11th, 2003, 11:35 AM
haha Captain, too funny. Man I didnt have the heart to tell um to send to someone who spoke clearly, I just sat here like mmmmkkkkkk??.
Oh, no such luck Jimmy, he pulled up in a ford Focus, maybe a cow or camel next time. Lmao :)
