View Full Version : WHO DO YOU USE?

June 8th, 2003, 04:29 PM
I was just wondering who do you guys use the most for cpu items, in this area. I have heard bad things about every shop in town and well honestly, there are way more expensive than I want to spend. My problem is that I canceled my credit cards and cant order on line anymore, "did not think about that". I found a AMD 3000XP ONLINE FOR 185.00, but the cheapest I have found in town is 325.00 for the same piece. Don't know where to look now. Back home I have place where I could get stuff cheap but well that is 150 miles away.
(Please respond in in email or private message"

"I understand that some of the computer stores in town may visit or sponser this site, Know that I understand all the difficults of retail business, and I am in no way tring to ruin your stores rep or start an online bad mouthing of your store. All of you have been very professional and helpful. I am just a poor boy tryin to get the most bang of my buck"

June 8th, 2003, 05:18 PM
well if you have a checking account, do like i did and get a debit card...works the same as a credit card and then you know exactly how much you can spend with it...but honestly, there isnt a place in town where i will buy anything unless it is an extreme emergency...

you best bet is the debit card way and get it online...
