View Full Version : Killntime and Happy go lucky kid here please

June 1st, 2003, 03:34 PM
You have received a 24 hour ban for your language on the server. Next time it will be permanent. Both of you have played the server long enough to know what the rules are. And next time listen to our members when they ask you to watch the language.

June 1st, 2003, 04:17 PM
That rates an :owned


June 1st, 2003, 04:21 PM

June 1st, 2003, 04:42 PM
there is some confusion as to who banned yall...it was me at the request of clan members regarding yalls lack of respect for the server rules about cursing on the server. I will say this, respect our members at all times on the server. Listen to what they ask you to do, because the admins will believe their word. And dont forget, we sometimes police the server in other aliases, so becareful, you never know when one of us may be on.

June 1st, 2003, 05:59 PM
sneaky bugger mercy :P
but i always know who r u cuz i own u :P :P :P :P :P

-FA- ManiacalClown
June 1st, 2003, 06:02 PM
May I note that I was in an extremely poor mood at this time and let it get the best of me. As a result, I am just as guilty of the language. I'm perfectly willing to take 24 hours as well.

June 1st, 2003, 06:03 PM
gj Admins

June 1st, 2003, 09:38 PM
HAHAHA... yes members of lamerc that dont like you will ALWAYS say anything to get u banned.. hahahah.. .. nm.. ill shut up now

June 1st, 2003, 10:07 PM
...Couldn't understand why you got banned now Mikey...It's just beyond me...

June 1st, 2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by -]PoNG[-ManiacalClown
May I note that I was in an extremely poor mood at this time and let it get the best of me. As a result, I am just as guilty of the language. I'm perfectly willing to take 24 hours as well.

I'll have one too, please.

June 1st, 2003, 10:23 PM
but in all seriousness, ManiacalClown, it takes guts to be honest like that. I've got a lot of respect for that.

-FA- ManiacalClown
June 1st, 2003, 11:10 PM
Well, all I know is that my attitude at the time probably got the ball rolling on the whole thing, and when I was sitting there still playing on the server and they were banned, it just felt wrong. I know the rules. I know I need to watch my mouth on the server. And I didn't. And I shouldn't get away with it.

So whether anyone gave me a 24 hour ban or not, I haven't bothered checking, I won't be on the server until 6pm Monday. Self-discipline.

June 1st, 2003, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Mikey
HAHAHA... yes members of lamerc that dont like you will ALWAYS say anything to get u banned.. hahahah.. .. nm.. ill shut up now

ummm...it's not a matter of liking or not liking you. You break the rules, you get kick, banned. I've even kick and temp banned our own members for the same reason. No one is above the rules on the server. And mikey you know why you were banned. So don't act like you were just minding your own business and we all of the sudden banned you for no reason.

June 1st, 2003, 11:41 PM
I for one will say... that i've been around this server for the longest time... and I follow the rules to a T. Never do I cuss... or do anything wrong... never am I malicious towards anyone... therefor... those of you who do cuss... please take after me. :)

June 2nd, 2003, 12:06 AM
I am just glad we have ADMIN like bighead and Mercy, I was the one who went to them and said something.It made me mad when I asked them to stop and Happy made it a big joke.I think that everyone should be adult like on our server.I would have said something if it was one of our own.We just do not put up with that crap.Happy has been like this before.I dont know if he has a prob. with me or what,but know this. I will not be afraid to get off the server , and get an ADIMN when ever I ask some one to stop breaking the rules, and they dont listen.Again Thanks for being great people,and Great ADMIN..w00t....................................Tra cker

June 2nd, 2003, 04:09 AM
My 2 cents worth on the matter. Our server and clan has certain rules that we ask everyone, including our own members to follow. If our own members break the rules we get banned just as easily as non-members. Hence, if you do not like our rules and or policies then please find another server to enjoy since there are literally thousands out there that have no issue with cursing or slanderous terms used within their server.


June 2nd, 2003, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Mikey
HAHAHA... yes members of lamerc that dont like you will ALWAYS say anything to get u banned.. hahahah.. .. nm.. ill shut up now

I really like it when they fabricate demos and screenshots...


:stick :soapbox

June 2nd, 2003, 10:24 AM
Mikey.. I know of quite a few times where I personally gave you tons of warnings so there was no need to go there.

June 2nd, 2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Mikey
ill shut up now

Good idea.


June 2nd, 2003, 10:54 AM
And don't bring that crap over to COPS server, don't curse, don't whine, don't spawn camp and most of all DON'T H4X!!! And if I do use admin powers on you, DO NOT call me a ghey admin, that's auto-ban.

June 2nd, 2003, 11:44 AM
hmmmmmmm i know a certain pic korr lol....or was it u ??? black wig and make up :)

June 2nd, 2003, 11:49 AM
:eek: I don't know what you are talking about!!!:confused: :p: :p: :p: :p: :D

June 2nd, 2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by [C.O.P.S]KOrruptED
And don't bring that crap over to COPS server, don't curse, don't whine, don't spawn camp and most of all DON'T H4X!!! And if I do use admin powers on you, DO NOT call me a ghey admin, that's auto-ban.

:( So.... if someone were spawn camping, even though that is a strategy, and you abused your admin and started slapping them or burying them, and they called you a ghey admin, even if you deserve it they get auto-ban? I mean really, what did they do? Everyone plays their own way, some people spawn camp, it's not quake where it's a fragfest, strategy is a serious part of this game, and you would be the one to start the conflict, so therefore wouldnt whoever this was be getting punished for no reason?

June 2nd, 2003, 11:53 AM
spawn campin when there is only a few peeps left in the round is boring and wrong to do. Just finish the round or at least rush and as many as u can.

OH yes korr i am sure i can find that pic lol

June 2nd, 2003, 12:08 PM
yes it may be boring.. and you may find it wrong when someone does it.. however if he is spawn camping and kills 4 people and wins... then technically didnt he complete the objective and do what he was supposed to do?

"uh oh, the guys who died already dont like watching when i do what it takes to win, so i guess ill charge or something" ummm n3g

alot of times people who spawn camp do it because if you notice their team get raped, round after round... just an attempt to get a few kills, i personally dont believe there is anything wrong with spawn camping, or any camping for that matter, whatever works.

June 2nd, 2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Corbin Dallas
:( So.... if someone were spawn camping, even though that is a strategy, and you abused your admin and started slapping them or burying them, and they called you a ghey admin, even if you deserve it they get auto-ban? I mean really, what did they do? Everyone plays their own way, some people spawn camp, it's not quake where it's a fragfest, strategy is a serious part of this game, and you would be the one to start the conflict, so therefore wouldnt whoever this was be getting punished for no reason?

I don't understand what team strategy spawn camping involves, anybody can spawn camp and get kills. Is it just to pad your stats? This is why COPS server does not have psychostats, because people will play for stats by team stacking and camping. This turns a lot of players off.
Using admin powers is subjective, but there is a reason the admins use their powers, to enforce the rules. If you don't like the fact that I don't tolerate spawn campn, then please don't play when I'm there.
And if you disrespect me or any other clan member, yes I will ban you. I'm really tired of the childish behavior and talk.
If I warn someone not to do something and they continue to do it, I do not beleive I started the conflict. If you don't like the way I admin there are over 30,000 other servers you can play on.
I don't play any other games but in CS the rounds are long enough, there is no reason to spawn camp, especially in de maps. This is a game, not real life, it doesn't really matter if you die.

June 2nd, 2003, 12:36 PM
You are right on Korr
and Corp nice avatar and title....lol

uber aussie nice possible name change

June 2nd, 2003, 01:10 PM
However, if someone camps, that's their deal, why should they have to be weary of when your in server and change their play style just cuz you dont like it... kinda messed up.

June 2nd, 2003, 01:26 PM
I'm not saying camping is wrong, there are certain situations where camping is OK, the problem is when people don't work with the team by spawn camping. I'm not telling people to change their play styles, most of the time the team does not spawn camp, it's just a couple of people that do it. They will wait for the rest of the team to do all the damage and then go for the kill. This is a team game, if you can't play with the rest of the team, then don't come near me.
Again if you don't like the way I play or admin the game, you don't have to play with me.
I play this game for fun, not to prove I'm better than anybody else. If I'm not having fun on a server, I just leave.
I pay for this server (well part of the server) and I can admin it the way I feel is correct.

God Sent Death
June 2nd, 2003, 01:29 PM
im big on completing the objective....in fact i really dont like to play a map that dont have some sort of REAL objective (iceworlds, scoutzknives, ka_arena....) in de map and ur t spawn camping...that gets my blood boiling..u have an objective...do it!!!!!

escpecially when u camp with awp and u dont do the objective...i will slap if someone does it more then 2 or 3 rounds...

June 2nd, 2003, 01:34 PM
Wait, you've slapped me b4 for just killing you!!!:eek: :mad: :p: :laugh: :d:

God Sent Death
June 2nd, 2003, 01:37 PM
luv u:laugh: :D :rolleyes:

June 2nd, 2003, 02:03 PM
Anyone else wonder why admins from 2 diffrent clans are arguing admin styles in a thrid clans forums......nubs


June 2nd, 2003, 02:04 PM
hah.. Korrupted, he said its just a love tap and not a slap

God Sent Death
June 2nd, 2003, 02:07 PM
because i can????:rolleyes: :cool: :D

June 2nd, 2003, 02:10 PM
LOL Op!!!!!!!
Big Brother this is not "1942", we have freedom of speech.

June 2nd, 2003, 02:11 PM
No but it is perty funny,this thread started off to warn two peps who thought they didnt have to listen to a member.Now this..HAHAHA

God Sent Death
June 2nd, 2003, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother
Anyone else wonder why admins from 2 diffrent clans are arguing admin styles in a thrid clans forums......nubs


i dont think korr and myself are arguing over this, kinda looks like we agree...but this started and i came to back korr up...as for corbin...dont know if he is an admin elsewhere:rolleyes:

:blue: :d: :eek: :D

June 2nd, 2003, 02:31 PM
I doubt it, cuz he probably wouldn't hear all the complaints from the other players, like; look at the spawn camper, slap him, or this team sux, all they do is camp. :p: :p: :p: :eek: :cool: :D :blue:

June 2nd, 2003, 03:05 PM
all i have to say is this

Respect my authoritaaaa

thank you

June 2nd, 2003, 03:28 PM
I would have to say i completely agree with Corbin on the camping thing.. i say do what it takes to win.. and you cant tell me that if you win you didnt complete the objective.... i mean think about it...

Now im not a spawn camper at all.. in fact im usually the first one out the gate rushing to throw my face in front of an oncoming bullet, but if i had a guy on my team doing it, yes i would get REALLY annoyed, right up until the point we won the round and then i would be like.. well crap... DGJ!!!.... and I would especially be REALY happy about it if teams were stacked and we were getting raped and that became that guys new strategy and it started working! and we started winning!...

So the point is... Im with Corbin on this one, I whole heartedly agree and ... yep.. thats it... ok.. im done now...

June 2nd, 2003, 03:47 PM
Korr...why the hostility d00d? Corbin is (or was) an admin with |6...in fact, he's one of the founders of the clan. So yes...he IS an admin...or at least was.


June 2nd, 2003, 03:49 PM
GSD...I wasn't talking about you and Korr, I was talking about Korr and Corbin. All you guys need to chill. If you guys wanna get all heated up over your admin styles then I suggest you do it on ICQ or some other forums. All of you are pushing your respective luck.


June 2nd, 2003, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by [C.O.P.S]KOrruptED

Big Brother this is not "1942", we have freedom of speech.

Youre right it's CS....1942 is a diffrent game...your point was???


June 2nd, 2003, 06:28 PM
It's yall's server.... so see fit how you want to run it.I for one have played on the server for 2yrs now and in one game get banned for saying the word "damn"???? It's a household word and I have heard other players and members say it as well numerous times. Just for the record TRACKER when you asked me to watch the lang i did say "no problem".....I'll come back to the server if ya'll can learn to deal with your ego's and treat others with the respect that is given to you.......

June 2nd, 2003, 06:41 PM
HAHA, no cursing on our server. Our swear filter doesn't simply ignore the curse word, it negates the entire sentence.

June 2nd, 2003, 06:43 PM
Hey kilntime your pitafully short memory forgets you have already been banned for language after you were warned before. I suggest taking heed and not whining or you might find the next ban not so temporary.

June 2nd, 2003, 07:11 PM
hey dirge if you remember you banned me because i said "damn" and "dude chill out"...if you have any other slander you might wanna say towards me and would like to voice your hostility take it up with me in private messages because the rest of the gang doesnt wanna see you make an ass of yourself..."or mabye they do????....if you remember with your pitiful "as you would say" memory I said i'll come back if you learn to respect others as it is given to you...You must not wanna see me come back I assume....why? I wonder? your lack of respect for others or your ego? which is it?

June 2nd, 2003, 08:35 PM
I will have you know KILLNTIME, you said the F...word over the mic, so I asked you to watch the language. Then, you and Happy thought it would be funny to make fun of me. I dont know where you get off trying to lie about something like this.I would never go to an admin and ask them to ban someone for saying the word DAMN. So Before you come in here and try to lie out of something get your story straight.

I am so sick of people comming in our server and asking "why cant we cuss, why cant we do this or do that. Do you really want to know why or are you just wasting air? First off, its part of our server rules, if everyone would take the time to read them, a lot of questions would be answered before they are asked. Secondly, we have a lot of young kids on this server, including my own kids along with other members and regulars. If you can not follow the server rules then by all means, feel free to find another server to play on. If you would like, I will be happy to pass on like 50 ip address for you all to try out plus the other "thousands" of other Counter-Strike servers out there. Sorry to the rest of you guys, I just hate to be called a liar....Mike "Tracker"

June 2nd, 2003, 08:43 PM
As one of the senior admins of this great group called LA_MERC, I will say one thing and one thing only to KILLNTIME and anyone else who fails to observe our server rules:

If I had been on the server and you acted like that OR if one of our members came to me and said that someone had acted like that, you or whomever had dont it would be PERMANENTLY banned from our server and they would NOT be allowed at any of our lans...

you are getting really close to falling off of your thin line from being permanently banned because of the way you are now acting towards other members of LA_MERC - I suggest you either leave on your own or chill out yourself and adhere to OUR rules.

June 2nd, 2003, 08:48 PM
LMAO Killntime you are proving the shallowness of your on convoluted gene pool. I temp banned you when you called RPSniper your (insert expletive) and then proceeded to tell me to stop being a )insert expletive). Well guess what buddy, your mouth has just gotten the final straw that broke the camel's back. I hope you can find another bunch of guys to have fun with, because you will not be playing on LA_MERC any longer. gg

June 2nd, 2003, 08:57 PM
Killntime, if u keep shooting yourself in the foot then you won't have but 2 nubs to stand on. I have warned you on multiple ocassions to watch your language. Having to be warned over and over again should tell you something. Maybe you need to pay a little closer attention to the type of language you use while on the server. I don't have a problem with most people but I do have a limit. There is really no need to constantly curse over the mic or text for that matter. Some people are just so used to it that when they come to our server, it may slip. Usually, I warn them and they understand. If you have been playing on our server for 2 years then you should fully know our server rules. Slipping up and letting a curse word out every now and again may happen but if you are warned about it, its best to just apologize and then pay more closer attention to what is said.

This is to everyone reading this. If you have a problem with controlling your language on our server, my best suggestion to you is to unbind your voice key before entering our server and then you should have no problems.

June 2nd, 2003, 09:16 PM
I just curse like a sailor BEFORE I push the button.:D
I was letting them fly today I'll tell you what.


Eon Blue Apocalypse
June 2nd, 2003, 09:23 PM
WOW!!!!! Reading these post trips me out. It amazes me how people can have so little respect for others and their wishes or rules.
No...I don't know exactly what happened for all this but I can only assume from what I have read thus far. The best thing that could have happened in {my opnion} is these guys should have just apologized and said it won't happen again. Not just keep provoking you guys with these post. I have enjoyed playing with {Killntime} in the days I have played on this server. I would really hate to see him or anyone else get permanently banned from it, but from ones actions come the consequences. It looks like that just may or already have happened.

I must say that I do curse at times myself, not on the server of course, but I do. The reason I don't is a little thing I have called RESPECT FOR OTHERS! The way I see it you guy's have let me into YOUR HOUSE and I MUST abide by your rules and I gladly do so
with no questions asked! Further more i'd like to say thanks for letting me a part of your server and playing on it. Although i'm not a member of LA_MERC {hint hint} I still love playing here as much as I can. I hope you guys can keep up the server and the good work for days to come.

Thanks Again


June 2nd, 2003, 11:20 PM
Jimmy we love having peps like you on our server.And we thank you for respecting our rules on the server.It is just a hand full of peps that get what happened to KILLNTIME.Again thanks for the respect and following the rules.....Tracker

June 3rd, 2003, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_IamTylerDurden
I would have to say i completely agree with Corbin on the camping thing.. i say do what it takes to win.. and you cant tell me that if you win you didnt complete the objective.... i mean think about it...

Now im not a spawn camper at all.. in fact im usually the first one out the gate rushing to throw my face in front of an oncoming bullet, but if i had a guy on my team doing it, yes i would get REALLY annoyed, right up until the point we won the round and then i would be like.. well crap... DGJ!!!.... and I would especially be REALY happy about it if teams were stacked and we were getting raped and that became that guys new strategy and it started working! and we started winning!...

So the point is... Im with Corbin on this one, I whole heartedly agree and ... yep.. thats it... ok.. im done now...

I agree with you, the objective is to win, but as a team.
The point is, if the whole team is rushing and 1-2 or two are spawn camping this is annoying. If you have been running around all round and are the last person standing, then it's understandable that you camp, but if you spawn camping from the beginning of the round till the end when the rest of your team is trying to meet the map objective, then I think you should be punished.
And again if you don't like the way I play or admin, you don't have to play with me, and I sure that feeling is mutual.

Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother
Korr...why the hostility d00d? Corbin is (or was) an admin with |6...in fact, he's one of the founders of the clan. So yes...he IS an admin...or at least was.


I'm sorry if I seem hostile, but I just like people to play as a team, not just do their own crap, but I guess everybody is entitled to play they way they want, but if I don't like it and I'm an admin on that server, I will use my admin powers.
If you come to COPS server you will see some people like to camp around so they can try to get knife kills, yes this is funny once or twice, but it gets annoying round after round.

Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother
GSD...I wasn't talking about you and Korr, I was talking about Korr and Corbin. All you guys need to chill. If you guys wanna get all heated up over your admin styles then I suggest you do it on ICQ or some other forums. All of you are pushing your respective luck.


I don't think were getting heated up, we're just stating our opinions, and I respect Corbin's opinion. :cool:
So are you trying to say I shouldn't state my opinions on these forums? :eek:

Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother
Youre right it's CS....1942 is a diffrent game...your point was???


My bad, I should have said 1984, oops :p: :p:

June 3rd, 2003, 01:58 PM
just out of curiousity are shiet and biotch and dizzam concidered taboo?

June 3rd, 2003, 02:24 PM
Yes, consider it more or less like TV.

June 3rd, 2003, 05:04 PM
Dirge, change can be difficult for some and easy for others. Change requires wisdom. Wisdom comes with understanding and understanding comes with experience. Allow change and those affected by you will reap the rewards as well as yourself.


June 3rd, 2003, 05:26 PM
????? are u suggesting that vulgarity should be allowed on the server so that we can all benefit??

June 3rd, 2003, 05:33 PM
I dunno. i just wish they would admit that they were wrong so this dumb threat would be over with..sheesh

June 3rd, 2003, 05:34 PM
and this thread is thusly closed...with one last word,

respect our rules, and no problems will come to you, disrespect our rules, and many problems will come to you
