View Full Version : Rise of Nations

May 31st, 2003, 11:30 PM
Wondering if anyone has the retail of the game yet. I have been playing it for a few days and am wanting to try it multiplayer.

It is really a good game. Well thought out. Has alot of neat twists added to it to help prevent the usual build fast and rush game.

May 31st, 2003, 11:32 PM
I looked at it today in EB but didnt get it!... I saw another space based one too that looked cool.. something like resource facility or something like that.. (i have no idea what it was really called, thats the best i got!)

June 1st, 2003, 08:48 AM
i have the trial version, but i had forgetten about it...going to play it some over the next few days and see if i like it..

June 2nd, 2003, 07:21 AM
yeah dude i got it been playing for a week or so now.. it is pretty good

June 3rd, 2003, 08:37 PM
hey if anyone wants to try a game call me 3960908
