View Full Version : need some help..... plez

May 30th, 2003, 06:52 PM
how da hell do i get to a DOS prompt with XP pro? without going thru windowns? i restart and press F8 and it gives me the choices of starting in safe mode and safe mode and dos prompt and some other choices but nothing is just DOS prompt...

im trying to reformat my comp and cant even get to a dos prompt... god plez have mercy on my soul... hahahaha

May 30th, 2003, 07:02 PM
you have to boot from the windows xp cd in order to get an option to either do a quick format or full format.

May 30th, 2003, 07:04 PM
You can't. What OS do you plan on installing when you format? Windows 2k/XP/2003 will automatically format for you when you boot from the disk and continue with the installation.

May 30th, 2003, 07:05 PM
Boot with you XP cd and select the option to repair and it will bring u to a dos prompt where u can enter commands.. What exactly are you wanting to do?

May 30th, 2003, 07:11 PM
Yeah, what toby said...if you are wanting to re-format, just boot from the CD and follow the prompts...you'll get prompted to create/delete partitions, and then format them...piece of cake if you follow the screen...

follow the screen, it is your friend, follow the screen it is your freind, follow BB's bannana, it is your friend, oops, off topic...lol.

May 30th, 2003, 08:54 PM
heres tha deal... i have an XP upgrade CD.. beacause my comp was built by friend with pirated crap... BAAAHHHH

im soooooo lost... my comp is randomly deleting crap, and i cant do anything about it

i wish i was a comp whiz

Eon Blue Apocalypse
May 30th, 2003, 08:56 PM
Mikey....as long as you DON'T plan on running a NTFS file system you can use a win98 boot disk only if you plan on formatting your drive with FAT32. Your boot disk must contain the format command of course. I have used this same method. Do this ONLY if you dont have the winxp oem disk.

May 30th, 2003, 09:07 PM
Actually, I've never seen computers delete anything on their own...they aren't smart enough for that. Are you sure you're not getting h4xed?

Also, if it IS deleting stuff on its own, it could be stuff getting trapped in bad sectors on the HDD, and if that is so, even if you reformat it will start to happen again, only thing to do is replace the drive IF that is what's wrong...

BTW, you can still boot from, and do all the things we told you from a XP Upgrade CD...you can install XP clean from an upgrade CD, it will just ask you during the install process for a NT, 98 or 2000 CD to verify you are the owner of one of those OSes...


Eon Blue Apocalypse
May 30th, 2003, 09:07 PM
Mikey....also you can insert a floppy disk into your a drive and go to my computer, then do a right mouse click on the a drive then select format after that then select (create a MS dos startup disk)
this will not have the format command on it but you can get it from a friend running win98 or I can send it to you.

May 30th, 2003, 09:09 PM
oem disk? bah.. speak english plez, lol... NTFS??? lol.. come on now..

lol.. thanks guyz

May 30th, 2003, 09:19 PM
man, my comp deletes stuff... it seems to be stuff that is MOSTLY used, etc.. hlsw, EQ, CS... just the exe. files

May 30th, 2003, 09:21 PM
ahhhhhhh...... im going nuz.. lol

can i get a step by step on how to do this?

May 30th, 2003, 09:22 PM
im retarded (and druck) WAAAAHHHHH

Eon Blue Apocalypse
May 30th, 2003, 09:31 PM
I gave you a step by step and I will be glad to send you the format command. just say the word.

Look again at the{formatting the floppy I sent wrote}

May 30th, 2003, 09:37 PM
i went to my computer and right clicked A: and clicked format and then create MS-DOS boot disk... when i restart comp useing it gives me an I/O error???? dont know..

May 30th, 2003, 09:40 PM
The floppy disk is bad. If your computer is deleting executable files on it's own, then chances are you have a virus. Check out http://housecall.antivirus.com

It will do a free virus scan on your computer, and you don't really have to download anything but virus definations. If you want to format quickly, just hold a magnet up to your hard drive (just kidding, would probably damage the hd badly) :)

May 31st, 2003, 02:03 AM
NO NO it sounds like your phlux capacitor is out of phase. YOu need to bypass your primary cuplinks and reroute them through your secondary particle stabilizers. In doing this you will destabilize your impulse sensors on multiple levels. To fix this problem use a Tricorder model 115-9 to mold the Matter-Antimatter Power Generator into alignment, just beware of the 1.6 giga watt of electricity that it is producing. This should fix all your problems.:borg

June 1st, 2003, 09:25 AM
i did the virus scan at housecall.com... nothing wrong (are nothing found)

my that bootdisk i made works fine inside windows... just when i startup it gives my i/o error

yea.. i installed XP on top of the one i already have... but i need to get rid of the trash on my comp

when i put in a sys restore disk it brings me to D:\dos>... but wont let me format c: from there

ummm.. my cdrom is set to read before my HD but it wont read the XP cd on start up... so i cant try the repair thing that toby said

i also made a 98 bootdisk from bootdisks.com.... A: wont read it on startup either.. but inside windows, works fine

i think my comp is fried

June 1st, 2003, 09:26 AM
are atleast im fried.. i cant figure this crap out

June 1st, 2003, 09:28 AM
btw toby.. im wanting to get rid of EVERYTHING on my comp

June 1st, 2003, 11:05 AM
Mikey, try this and see what happens.. While in Windows, load the XP cd.. Choose the Option to Install Windows XP .. It will then prompt you with another window with a drop box, Select the option for New Instation .. (DO NOT SELECT THE UPGRADE OPTION) .. Let it run from there and when it will reboot into a Windows XP installation process. During this process, you will want to do a FULL format of the drive and then just let XP install

June 1st, 2003, 12:02 PM
alright toby, i did that...i chose to install.. not upgrade... then asks me like what language and crap... then restarted in XP setup from disk, then i had the option to press r for recovery which i tryed but couldnt do it because it asks for my admin password which is blank, i never set one... but it thinks there is something there

also in that process it never asked my anything about formatting are anything about losing information

? can i reset my admin password ? if so how

thanks alot Toby, im really going nutz messin with this stupid thing

if i only had a baseball bat.. waahh

June 1st, 2003, 12:43 PM
Do exactly what I said before.. This time when it gets to the part about Recovery, DON'T hit R.. If you read, it will ask you to continue with the installation to hit F8 or something like that (It will prompt you to hit a key to continue with installation). You didn't read it completely.

June 1st, 2003, 05:50 PM
ive installed XP like 4 times already doing just that... but that doesnt get rid of all the files on my comp??? it just installs XP on top of my OS

June 1st, 2003, 06:04 PM
Thats why you have to select to do a "FULLLLLLL" format, not a quick format.. j00 r a nubz0r b00n
