View Full Version : banned or not???

May 8th, 2003, 12:30 PM
I just hade the weirdest thing happened to me on here. I logged in just like normal then when i went to click on a post i got this message saying that my IP address was banned so i tried 2 more times after that and still the same thing. so then i clicked on the little link nexst to the banned thingy and wrote the "[email protected]" a email asking why i was banned, then i came directly back here after writing the message and BAM i was able to get in. so i an really comfused, I know I have done nothing to deserve to be banned since i rarely post i just like to keep up with whats going on and maybe comment hear and there anyways just wanted ask what happened later.....MRBIG85

May 8th, 2003, 12:59 PM
hey man, no idea what happend. We are able to ban a range of ip's and your ip could have been in the list by mistake. I really dont know tho.
