View Full Version : Supplements?????

May 2nd, 2003, 10:29 PM
ANYONE know any good supplements i can take out there for muscle and weight loss. if so what are teh side effects after taking them.

May 2nd, 2003, 11:32 PM
Protein Powder... with milk in the morning... eat a banna with it if you want... Stay away from all sugar... sugar bad... Eat high protein mills... limit your carbs... unless you are running and working out... try and eat somthin with some complex carbs b4 hand...

Dont starve yourself... try and keep somthing in your stomach at least every 3-4 hours... (during the day)

I know this works bc its what i did when i weighed 285.... i now weigh 205... when i was racing hardcore i had got down to 178 ...

I Looked like i was on crack bc i am 6'2 LoL

But i also jogged everyday for atleast 15 mins... somedays 30-45 mins

May 3rd, 2003, 12:42 AM
how long did it take you to lose 80 pounds while you were doing that? this is one of my biggest goals this year...i weigh 225 and I want to lose about 75 pounds....

May 3rd, 2003, 12:57 AM
Xenadrine is ephedrine free and does a GREAT job at fat burning and building muscle...

May 3rd, 2003, 08:14 AM
xenadrine has both ephderine free and ephedrine containing

May 3rd, 2003, 08:24 AM
yo yeh thats what i had my eyes set on is xenadrine!!! u guys notice any side effects??

May 3rd, 2003, 08:38 AM
Xenadrine RFA-1 contains ephedrine and Xenadrine EFX does not.

Some common side effects are:

Massive energy boost
Anxiety, shaking, and light headedness
Cramps, numbness, light headaches, and feeling faint
Increased heart rate and rapid heart beat
Increased sweating and the need for more water
Nausea and upset stomach

Xenadrine EFX is supposed to provide fewer of these side effects.

Personally, I wouldn't take and of these. Weight is best controlled through diet and exercise. As with most diet supplements, once you discontinue use you are more prone to adding the pounds right back.

Just my 2 cents.

May 3rd, 2003, 09:29 AM
I agree with Sortie, also one of the side effects he didn't mention is increased excitability and aggitation. A "short fuse" in other words. Not like "roid rage" or anything like that, more like a "nic fit".

May 3rd, 2003, 11:00 AM
Crazybones, get with me on Aol Instant Messanger when you have a chance. AIM: DuLsK234

May 3rd, 2003, 01:59 PM
The reason of side effects is if you don't eat anything with it...I haven't had any of those side effects because I have a quick bite to eat when I take it...But I do get alot of energy for my work out...

May 3rd, 2003, 02:10 PM
whatever you do be careful when takign ephedrine containing stuff. i was on ripped fuel for about 6 weeks and i noticed one day my resting heart rate was 110bpm. i stopped taking it that day. also i think weve had 2 deaths here this year due to that stuff. drink plenty of water and start small doses if you go that wayt.

May 3rd, 2003, 02:30 PM
There's been plenty more than two deaths from that stuff...

May 3rd, 2003, 03:11 PM
All that crap is bad for you, just eat right and exercise.
