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-FA- Th|3f
April 23rd, 2003, 02:12 PM
Hey, been a while. Umm, just wondering you guys opinions on which department of the armed forces would be better to go into, to fly jets. I know Navy, Army, Marines,and AF flies but which is better?

April 23rd, 2003, 02:32 PM
Depends on what you want to fly. Marines would be the toughest simply becasue they are the smallest. Also depends on what rank you wanna go in as. Have to be an officer to fly planes which means college degree. You can get in as a warrant officer if you are close to a degree and can meet the requirements but warrant officer ussualy fly choppers...


April 23rd, 2003, 02:35 PM
If I had a choice it'd be the NAVY.. they wouldn't take me... too old they sad.... bah! Guess I'll just stick to the skybuses, and let the youngins handle the fun stuff.. The NAVY is tuff mind you, but if you can make the grade, you'll be among the best pilots in the world.. not to mention if u dont make the grade as a fighter jock, you'll still have the opotunity to fly some heavy iron..P3's and the like.. This would make the transition to the civilian world very lucrative.. with all that time in heavy jets you should eaisly land a job with the majors...

-FA- Th|3f
April 23rd, 2003, 08:45 PM
I wanted to fly F-16's and F-14's, what do you think would be better Scott? I need more opinions though because all my friends and family keep telling me that it is a bad idea and no one wants me to go into the service. What do you guys think?

April 23rd, 2003, 08:59 PM
im pretty sure f-14's are navy only and i know that the airforce but not the navy flys f-16's. the military is not bad. you do have to come in as an officer but i think all that takes is a college degree or something. the military life is not bad at all. the only thing that sucks is getting stationed somehwere you despise(AUGUSTA, GA) and that makes you want to rip peoples hearts out and bathe in their blood while laughing at them. but seriously ive been in the army for 3 years and i really like the army life i just HATE georgia. its a good experience and id reccomend a short tour(3 years) to anyone considering it. you can always reinlist if you like it and get out if you hate it and 3 years really isnt that long considering your training is probably going to take a while, but i could be wrong cause i dont know what officers do. either way find out as much info as you can about all the services and then make your decision.

April 23rd, 2003, 11:20 PM
Ok...First off, the F-14 is SLOWLY being phased out for the F-22, and the F-16 has been in talks about being phased out as well...In my honest opinion, the Air Force is better when it comes to flying planes...No matter what branch you choose, you're gonna be in flight school/training for a loooooong while...Of course, you gotta have a college degree to be a commissioned officer and you hafta be a commissioned officer to fly planes...Having been in the Air Force, I'd go that route. It's awesome for pilots! And the money is SAWEET!!!

April 24th, 2003, 12:11 AM
If it was me I would chose to fly a chopper, but thats just me. If I could take lessons to learn I would do it in a heart beat and then try and land a job fling for a Police Dept. somewhere. That would be awsome.

April 24th, 2003, 06:32 AM
F-14 = Navy and it is only sdtill around due to the fact it is the only plane capable of firing the Phoenix missile. The f-16 is Air Force only and is not being phased out to my knowledge. It will be supplemented with the F-22 (An air force only plane, the F-31 is the Joint fighter for the other branches). In fact the F-16 is probably the best production fighter jet in the world, followed closely by the Super hornet.

April 24th, 2003, 08:56 AM
Yer so smert dirgey...i like thet
