View Full Version : Dustin

April 20th, 2003, 12:51 PM
hey man does d still have the geforce 2 card of mine? if so you think you could get with me on icq or aim and get it sent this way, mike is looking at building a pc i got his price to around 187 without a card but that is about as steep as he can go on price, he needs a video card and seeing as how d has that one could you get him to ship it this way please.

April 20th, 2003, 02:50 PM
i'll tell him but we are tight as hell on money right now until i can get a Florida ID so that i can work, so we won't be able to ship it for a while...

April 20th, 2003, 02:59 PM
man ill pay for the shiping, it shouldnt be that much to ship anyways maybe 10 dolla at the most. just send that package and ill pay the shipping. mike need a video card hella bad. just get with me on icq or aim and we'll work something out.
