View Full Version : hey people i need some help... with C&C..

April 9th, 2003, 05:15 PM
ok...i had this same problem before when i tried to play age of mythlogy had to update my drivers so i did and it played...no C&C is out and i cant find a driver to play ......here is my specs plz help yall... ----EASy System Summary--------------------------------------

Video Card : S3 Graphics ProSavage
Video Driver : s3gnb.dll
Driver Version :

Sound Card : SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio
Sound Driver : smwdm.sys
Driver Version :

DirectX : DirectX 8.1
Operating System Windows XP Service Pack 1 5.1.2600

----EASy System Output---------------------------------------

Computer Name : CALVIN

CPU Info

CPU Count : 1
CPU Type : 1444 MHz AuthenticAMD Athlon XP
6 6 2

RAM : 480 MB Total
306 MB Free
Virtual RAM : 1122 MB Total
1044 MB Free

Operating System : Windows XP Service Pack 1 5.1.2600

Default Browser : Internet Explorer
Version : 6.0.2800.1106

Temp Directory : C:\DOCUME~1\CK1~1.CAL\LOCALS~1\Temp\
Size : 16 MB


----Display Info--------------------------------------------

Number of Displays : 1

Current Mode (Primary) : 1024x768 32

Primary display device

Description : S3 Graphics ProSavage
Manufacturer : S3 Graphics, Inc.
Video Memory : 32 MB

Main Driver : s3gnb.dll
Version :

Supported Display Modes

| 16 | 256 | 16 bits| 24 bits| 32 bits
640 x 480| * | * | * | | *
800 x 600| * | * | * | | *
1024x 768| | * | * | | *
1152x 864| | | | |
1280x1024| | * | * | |
1600x1200| | | | |


----Sound, Video and Game Controllers-----------------------

Description : SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio
Manufacturer : Analog Devices, Inc.

Main Driver : smwdm.sys
Version :


----Direct X------------------------------------------------

DirectX Info
Version : DirectX 8.1

DirectDraw Info
Version :
Certified : Not certified

DirectSound Info
Version :
Certified : Certified

DirectPlay Info
Version : 5.00.2134.0001

DirectInput Info
Version : 5.01.2600.1106


----Drive Information---------------------------------------

----CDRom Info----------------------------------------------

Drive Letter A
Volume Name :
Type : Floppy
File System :
Total Space : 0.00 KB
Free Space : 0.00 KB

Drive Letter C
Volume Name :
Type : Fixed
File System : NTFS
Total Space : 70.63 GB
Free Space : 58.65 GB

Drive Letter D
Volume Name : SYSTEM_SAV
Type : Fixed
File System : FAT32
Total Space : 3.89 GB
Free Space : 814.43 MB

Drive Letter E
Volume Name : GENERALS1
Type : CDRom
File System : CDFS
Total Space : 636.92 MB
Free Space : 0.00 KB

Drive Letter F
Volume Name :
Type : CDRom
File System :
Total Space : 0.00 KB
Free Space : 0.00 KB


----Monitor Information-------------------------------------

Primary monitor

Description : COMPAQ FS740 Color Monitor
Manufacturer : Microsoft
Max. Resolution : 1280,1024


----Network Information-------------------------------------

Description : SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI (SMC1211 Series)
Manufacturer : SMC
Driver :
Bound Protocols
IP Address: Obtained from provider
IP Mask: Obtained from provider


----Input Device Information--------------------------------

Mouse Information

Description : Logitech USB Wheel Mouse

Keyboard Information

Description : IBM enhanced (101- or 102-key)


----Modem Information---------------------------------------

Description : HSP56 MicroModem
Driver :


----OpenGL Information--------------------------------

OpenGL Info

Version : 5.1

please help yall i want to play the game.......

April 9th, 2003, 05:23 PM
ok...exactly what error are you getting from C&C, and if no error, what is C&C doing when you try to play it. Also, it might not be a bad idea to update your directx to 9

April 9th, 2003, 05:36 PM
i found some drivers for the prosavage card, but not sure if it is the one you need:


also, you might want to try windows update to see if it finds the latest driver for you, because according to s3, all of their drivers are on the winxp cd already:


April 10th, 2003, 07:08 AM
:tosser I would strongly recommend getting a 64MB graphics card
I think you can get one of the ATI's for around $50
now, that would be a huge boost in your performance

April 10th, 2003, 02:02 PM
Or I can just give you one next month Swamp...let me know

April 10th, 2003, 06:14 PM
thanks tracker....wife bought the game for me but i didnt know she was.... i wouldve look at the min. requirements u know ....thanks everyone so i guess i am just going sit and wonder how the game is lol.....

April 10th, 2003, 09:16 PM
Swampdog I will bring the vid card with me when I come down,we can try it out to see if it will work...

April 10th, 2003, 10:51 PM
that will be cool....
