View Full Version : Hey.....What happened.....

April 4th, 2003, 02:04 AM
Whats up Mercs...
I think it is time for another scrimmage...
R U RED E.....< desoto parish edumacation
anyhow. give us a shout, and we can set it up..

April 4th, 2003, 07:33 AM
hey shock! Havn't seen you in a while. What's up? Are you and Titan gonna come to armageddon?

April 4th, 2003, 04:21 PM
I wish we could...
but being recently laidoff, I think this is a bad time...
Have fun guys....

April 9th, 2003, 05:01 PM
sux0r shock! I hate to hear that.

April 13th, 2003, 09:12 AM
Hey guys just wanted to thank all of you for the scrim last night, had a great time. We should do it again soon.

April 13th, 2003, 03:36 PM
np man enjoyed it a s well see ya next time

April 29th, 2003, 11:15 PM
hey guyz its me killntime i just wanted to let ya'll know that dirge is abusing his admin powers and is being a real pain in the ass! he banned me for joking with bighead on the server when we were talking to each other.... you know what i mean giving each other threats that we were gunna own each other... then dirge steps in and bans me!!!!!! please talk to admin and let em know hes a *****! thx killntime

April 30th, 2003, 01:19 AM
KILLNTIME, you say that you have been around the server for a while now and you're JUST registering for the forums? Have you read our server rules as of yet? Maybe rule #3 under Code of Conduct would be of interest. Remember, I've played with you on multiple occassions so I know how u act on the server.

Maybe your post would hold a little more water if you did not just sign up on the forums after playing here for almost a year only to post something that is bashing an admin.

April 30th, 2003, 04:31 AM
and if you wouldn't have posted in a thread about a scrim

not to mention you didn't start your own thread, and on top of it you posted in the wrong forum area

April 30th, 2003, 06:19 AM
is -=|BR|=- any good? ogl good, cal good, or just havin fun good?

April 30th, 2003, 06:21 AM
ahh revisionist history... You sound like a liberal. Funny thing how bighead wasn't even discussing anything with you and we talked about why you wree banned last night. But alas all that is immaterial as you BLANTANTLY IGNORE our server rules continuously. I will do the same to anyone else who does it and if you do it again, you may find yourself not playing on this server anymore at all. gg with the name calling btw, VERY mature.

April 30th, 2003, 10:59 AM
Rules??? hehehehe ok sorry i shouldn't spam i guess....
well i better go read da rules so i don't get into trouble...
