View Full Version : Old Skool

April 2nd, 2003, 08:05 PM
How old skool are you? This thread is to post about your fav old skool game or old skool system. For instance you could talk about the Commadore 64 or the atari or even the neo geo if it tickles your fancy. I guess I will start. One thing I miss is the old Commadore 64, it was our first "computer" if you can even call it that lol. Anyway, post away my pretty's!:blue:

April 2nd, 2003, 08:18 PM
first game i played? hmm...pong on the orginal atari system...the game i enjoyed most from the early games..Master of Magic by Microprose...played in dos...w00t

April 2nd, 2003, 08:30 PM
w00t for DOS baby! Gotta love command line prompt hehehe. MicroProse used to be the stuff dreams were made of. They had the leetest games ever.

April 2nd, 2003, 08:50 PM
Can't remeber if it was Vic 20 or Commador 64 but the game was called BCs Quest for Tires and you had to load it off of a standard cassette tape...BEAT THAT BOONS!!!


April 2nd, 2003, 09:19 PM
yeah, old school system, the Amiga...w00t! I am a lover of diff. OSes and such. a cool page to check out for screenies and such is http://www.toastytech.com this guy is awesome. He is very anti microsoft...he thinks IE was from Nazi's and is evil. He even advertises a program that will allow you to install windows 98 without internet explorer, basically giving you the lighter and faster windows 95 shell...personally, I kind of like back and forward buttons within windows, but I gues that's just me. He has some cool screenies though, and instructions on how to change the color of the BSOD...I use to worship this page and proudly displayed my neon green w/ fuschia screen of death...lol.

April 2nd, 2003, 11:37 PM
sorry guys I grew up with no comps, needless to say "the internet". This is really my first outing. The only, real, experience I had with comps was with Yank and Dirge. So I am just a nub. :)

April 2nd, 2003, 11:51 PM
*Smacks Rooster is a wet noodle* It's ok man, ya gotta start somewhere. I remember when the internet was just a cool thing to connect to and see who's computer you could try to log onto lol. Yeah I remember the day when BBS systems were the shiz nah mean. Playing those old BBS doors really takes me back. I downloaded one not too long ago and played it, it brought a tear to my insane eye. Man, I have been a gamer for a LONG time considering I am only 23, born in 1980 and can remember when the Apple IIe came out. I remember the first 386dx we got. I thought it rocked by shorts cause I now had a hardrive that I could store files on instead of miles and miles of floppies (for you Amiga and Comm64 users ;) ). Also it was my first expierence with the CD-ROM drive WOW what a day that was. I was like, "Holy Crap! They fit an entire encyclopedia on here!" I was blown away. Oh Yeah, then the next thing after Microprose was, drum roll please, Dynamix! Yeah, I know you guys remember Dynamix games. Titles like, Rise of the Dragon, Red Baron to name a few. Wow, this thread was a good idea, I haven't thought about that stuff in FOREVER! woohoo I rock!

April 2nd, 2003, 11:58 PM
Apple IIe...wow. I remember Chopper Command. That's what my school had. Talk about green screen of death.


April 3rd, 2003, 12:03 AM
actually, scarrily enough, I wasn't even remotely a gamer until bighead showed me counter-strike last may...lol.

I was a pc tech and a musician, and mostly used my comps for internet access and for creating midi sequences. I, in my day have owned an amiga, mac classic II, power macintosh 8100/80, power macintosh 7200/120 I also on the PC side had a 386/DX 16Mz (first 386 chip) I then upgraded to a 166MMX that I wound up overclocking to a 233MMX, then I had a celeron 466, that I wound up overclocking to a 700. Then came an Athlon T-bird 850, and almost at the same time a iMac 400G3 (Macintosh again...), then came a 1400 T-bird, a 1700 athlon XP, a 1700 P4 based celeron, a 2000+ XP, a 2400 amd athlon XP. and now I'm running a 1300 AMD Duron...lol, for gaming and a Compaq presario laptop (366MHz Amd K6-2) for most web access and i-net browsing (i'm using it now, sitting on the couch).

I still own both the power mac 8100 and 7200...I had 3 monitors in the 8100...2 15in and a 21 inch grayscale radius that I used for music notation...I'd like to get one of thesse bad boy's running agian...Dangit jubae, you have me all nostalgic...lol

April 3rd, 2003, 04:37 AM
man dynamix..dang i had a ton of games by them...hell still have most of them...

April 3rd, 2003, 05:14 AM
Let's see...I messed with Shanghai, pirate based game with ships on my Apple II...and then I messed around with stuff on the TRS-80...but, I don't remember any games on that. Then we got an Atari 2600, and I was hooked on games.

April 3rd, 2003, 06:39 AM
man i had an Adam compute rby Coleco it sucked you hooked it up to the tv and it ran off of 5" floppies and casette tapes but you could play coleco games on it as well

April 3rd, 2003, 08:58 AM
Man I grew up on Intellivision, then Commodore 64, then an Amiga 500 (still have them all)... then I eventually got a Nintendo (the original), a Sega Genesis, and FINALLY a PC (it came loaded with Windows 95, some games, a virus, and 300 megs of porn). Then a Playstation and just recently, an Xbox.

April 3rd, 2003, 09:05 AM
I had a commodore64, but I don't remember the names of any games, except for pitfall. Pitfall pwned!

Load pitfall, 8, 1

was there as star in that command too? I don't recall.

Of course I had an NES, played alot of Zelda, Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy. God I wish I still had those games and my NES. Sega Genisis *and* Sega CD. Sewer Shark was teh rawk!

As far as online PC gaming goes, I got started playing Warcraft 2 on Kali, and then started playing Quake 1 using QuakeSpy. Played Team Fortress, and Threewave, but ThunderWalker CTF owned them all!


April 3rd, 2003, 09:23 AM
Ah Atari, ColecoVision, Commodore64, those were the days, most favoritest game till this day is Zork. Zork brought it to the next level for meh.


April 3rd, 2003, 09:40 AM
Does anyone else do what I do? I remember games, but can not remember what they looked like on screen... Metroid for instance... they all just run together.. which one was which? ahhhh

April 3rd, 2003, 09:50 AM
LOL Dirge, Im exactly the opposite, I remember what they looked like on the screen, but heck if I can remember what they were called, let alone what kind of system I had them playing on.

April 3rd, 2003, 10:59 AM
i was a centipede girl...still play it on ps2. i'm also the master of ms.packman in the arcade!!

April 3rd, 2003, 11:35 AM
OMG your like my wife, those are the only 2 games she plays, but she hates CS :(
I feel old like Mercy, I remeber the Atari, Tank Battle was my fave.
Then in the early 80's got an Apple loved, Sortie Mission (I think that's what it was called).
Then the end of the world came, that Devil-Incarnate Bill Gates and his operating systems. :p

April 3rd, 2003, 11:41 AM
Anyone know about how you could be invincible in Space Invaders on the Atari 2600? If you held down the reset button while you turned it on, you couldn't be killed. To think there were h4x0rs even in those days.

April 3rd, 2003, 04:02 PM
up , up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, b, a, select, start.....

Name that cheat code.

April 3rd, 2003, 04:50 PM
you gotta be kidding.


April 3rd, 2003, 05:25 PM
I thought it was a,b,a,b select start, but oh well, it has been a long time. CONTRA

April 3rd, 2003, 09:08 PM
Our first computer was a Tandy 1000. My parents bought me a ONE! game called "Fraction Fever" it was supposed to help you learn fractions and math LOL. It loaded off of the standard cassette also.
Luckily for me later on we got a used atari. I spent HOURS on pacman, tennis, frogger!
Then the day came when I got my Original NES system. I know I spent that WHOLE summer in front of the TV. I couldn't get enough of that thing. I think I also spent an equal amount of time pondering how that gun that came with the NES worked. Mario, duckhunt, ninja turtles, ninja gaiden and MIKE TYSON'S PUNCHOUT! That HAD to be one of the best games ever! I downloaded an NES emulator and still play it once in awhile. We eventually got a 386 sx25 with 2 meg of ram. It had dos 5.0 on it already. I remember installing Windows 3.0 on it. I still did most things in dos though. I think I actually tweaked that box enough to run one of the early wolfensteins on it. (through the magic of "memmaker" and "ramboost") That was my first FPS. After that I just stayed about a year and a half behind whatever the latest PC was. I also got the superNES, and Nintendo 64. Now I've got a decent gaming system and an Xbox. I've played CS a few times at lan parties with Bighead, Mad_Max, EOB and all the South Carolina guys(and got owned!), but other than that I never really played until I got cable access a couple of weeks ago WOOT! I'm loving it though (although I'm still getting owned).
It's been good getting to know some of you guys too. Hopefully I can make it to the lan to meet everybody.

April 3rd, 2003, 10:01 PM
errr my 1st system was an atari whatever and my 1st game was Pitfall =D i loved that game.. my second was a Sega Master System and 1st game on it was Fist of the North Star which was an awesome game and even more awesome anime... since then i geuss i've pretty much owned every system except XBox (DOWN WITH THE XBOX...) although i never played pc games till CS... (darn you Onji for getting me hooked)

April 3rd, 2003, 10:07 PM
oh yeah ummm

April 3rd, 2003, 10:08 PM
heheh 5 more somebody post something that i can respond to...

April 4th, 2003, 06:32 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_JUNKY
up , up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, b, a, select, start.....

Name that cheat code.

It's funny how some memories stay with you forever - classic!

Actually, the code was up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, START - this was the 30 life code for several Konami classics, including Contra, Lifeforce, and Jackal.

Time to fire up the emulator :)

April 4th, 2003, 06:41 AM
first video game i remeber playign was frogger on atari. then i remeber going with my dad to buy a sega master system. first computer was a texas instrument something or other and i played defender, space invaders(known as TI Invaders on this system), centipede, munchman(like pac man but better), donkey kong, and a bunch of others. it still works, in fact i played it before i left for basic but that was like 3 years ago.

April 4th, 2003, 06:43 AM
ANyone remember Commander Keen?

April 4th, 2003, 07:16 AM
Yeah I remember the ole keen hehehe. I rememeber the first FPS I ever played was Castle, then Duke, then doom I and II, then Heretic, then Cyclones (or was cyclones before them hmmm anyway), then the mother of all FPS's Half-Life, then TFC or a bit, then Corona showed me CS (I mean I knew about CS, but I never played it), then Red Faction (I really dig the geo-mod technology in this game, I also like the way the opponent in the game uses flanking and covers each other with fire until the other is in a safe place.). I think that is my history of FPS's. OH YEAH, can't forget one of the coolest concepts for a FPS, The Thief series. I like that is isn't about how many people you kill, but how many people you avoid, really cool.

April 4th, 2003, 07:47 AM
Was THAT the point to that game?! No wonder I never did well!!!

April 4th, 2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_LaTech
ANyone remember Commander Keen?

OMG I forgot about that game! I got it with a Gravis gamepad I bought for mah shiny new (and quite smokin) Tandy 386. That was an addicitive game! I spent lots of hours on that one...

April 4th, 2003, 11:55 AM
my first comp was a trs-80 modelI..(trash80) I currently have a complete c-64 with printer modem and floppy, atari400 and 800xl comps, atari 5200, sega genisis, sega cd, sega saturn, top load nintendo, the standard front load nintendo, super nintendo, n64, game cube, play station I and II... I also have what I believe is the first coleco pong system.. looks like a 70's design with 2 knobs on the console itself... u can switch between to different games..
