View Full Version : Attention Police Officers

April 1st, 2003, 10:52 AM
My partner at work is a published food critic for a local news paper out here in Cali. He also has a web site www.culinarydetective.com.

What he would like from you guys is to write a little article about your favorite "cop spot" to eat. The requirements are it has to be "authentic" food for your region and it CAN'T touristy places. What he wants is the "hidden treasures" that only cops and locals will know about. It will potentialy bring business to the places (it sure has out here) and you get the chance to have an article on his site.

This may seem like it wouldn't have an effect on you LA, TX, SC guys but he is trying to turn the article into a TV show for the Food Network. You will get credit for writting the article (he may edit it). He would like it to be around 100 words and it should include you favorite dish, some other good items, the adress and the phone number. You can go to the site and read some examples of his work. You may even get to be on TV if the show gets off the ground:)


April 1st, 2003, 11:25 AM
Ummmmm Doughnuts!!!

April 1st, 2003, 11:55 AM
In the post above, the smily with the fish is a cop and the one getting hit is Diesel.

April 1st, 2003, 11:58 AM
w00t...fish baton...lmao! I expect an article from you Henry...I know you like to eat.:D


April 1st, 2003, 01:50 PM
Wow, all the material you could use for your story. They just opened a new Krispy Kreme in the French Quarter right across from Cafe Du Monde. And we all know how popular the Krispy Kreme and Tastee Donut stores are out in Metairie. Oh, I see cops drinking coffee and ignoring their radios all the time in the St Charles Tavern. Hmmm, One of the other spots got hit by a truck and isn't re-opening. I'll come up with some more later.

How's this:

"I think it's more the atmosphere than anything with the Rue de la Course on Carrollton and Oak. They have a wide assortment of coffees and an amazing variety of pastries. And if that is not enough, there is a bakery next door. Man it doesn't get any better than that. The only thing that would be better is if we could park closer so we could respond to more calls."

April 1st, 2003, 01:58 PM
:stu First of all, it's for cops not kr0ds...Dirge. Second, it's supposed to be out of the way restaurants and diners...not donut shops in the French Quarter..f00.


April 1st, 2003, 02:12 PM
Hey have you ever been to St Charles Tavern or Tally-Ho? May I suggest Domilise's or Liuzza's? LOL
