View Full Version : Dial up ,,......

March 28th, 2003, 07:59 AM
Hey Everyone,
Anyone know of a program that would help me recieve packets during games without losing them ....man i wish that i could use Cable or DSL for One day....but knowing my luck i wouldnt play as good as i play with my ole dial up service...well its me just complainin about stuff i have no control over.......Dirge is bellsouth cut expanding DSL in louisiana? ........laterz everyone...


March 28th, 2003, 08:16 AM
Swamp... BellSouth is adding ADSL to some areas in the state. However, with the economy and the FCC being the way they are, the budgets have been slashed. So while we used to turn up several sites all over the state, now we are turning up a handful. There are some new technologies coming out that will help, but if I remember correctly, you're not one of those. :(

March 28th, 2003, 08:43 AM
Dirge works for BellSouth?? grrrrr, I hates BST =)

But seriously Swamps, you might want to consider changing ISPs to Bayou, if you're gonna play on the MERC server. With the server being on their network it would help out *alot*. When I was on dial up, I played on a server hosted at Shreve.Net, and they were also my ISP. I would consistantly ping around 170, and it rocked. =)

March 28th, 2003, 08:55 AM
You hates BST? Why is that? Remember, you are in probation mode. lol :stick

Oh and Diesel works for BST as well.

March 28th, 2003, 09:03 AM
I don't *really* hate BellSouth. I just like to poke at them. I work for a CLEC, so that's why. =)

March 28th, 2003, 09:04 AM

/me prepares my foot for your arse!


j/k What CLEC you work for? And what do you do for them?

I am DS1 designer/Service Advocate/BICS Engineer

March 28th, 2003, 09:24 AM
CLEC scum!
j/k :stick

Sorry Swamp, thanks to our CLEC friends :p
ADSL expansion is basically been stopped to a hault.

March 28th, 2003, 09:44 AM
I work for CP-Tel Network Services, in Natchitoches, LA. We are the ILEC in some backwoods small towns close to here and we are expanding as a CLEC in Natchitoches.

I work in our NOC, doing all kinds of crap. Dispatching troubles to outside techs, calling troubles into BST when your guys screw something up :stick . Work orders in one of the switches, adding features and building numbers and such. Havn't been trained on the new one yet. Web programming, help with network admin stuff.

Hey! Why'd the CLECs make ya'll stop expanding your DSL service? Because ours is so much cheaper?

March 28th, 2003, 11:08 AM

(at least as long as Jason works for them) :D

March 28th, 2003, 11:55 AM
Ahh, my post was Op-ed (see trout slap)

No, its a long story and I would hate for anti-trust lawyers to come after me. Dirge can back me up on this, and trust us since we do work here. As a CLEC you should know why its cheaper.
Then again a Hyundai is cheaper than a BMW, go figure.;)

March 28th, 2003, 12:01 PM
Yeah, I know Diesel, I'm just jerkin' your chain. =)

March 28th, 2003, 03:49 PM
How many telecomm employees can you squeeze into a clan,

Dirge, Diesel, Roxet, Me, Illegal -- any more??
