View Full Version : Arkansas Mercenaries INVADE!

-FA- ManiacalClown
March 26th, 2003, 08:58 PM
Yeah, I brought along two local buddies tonight from the dFwU clan, which is pretty much a sister to my clan, People of Not Geigh.

Anyway, Brandon (Elfarran) was very much impressed with the server and will be coming back in the future. Don't know about Ryan (Commander17). He's pretty much a loose cannon as it is.

Brandon was SO impressed by you guys and your server, in fact, that he actually suggested to me that dFwU and PoNG merge into the ARKANSAS MERCENARIES and become a northern cousin to LA_MERC, albeit with younger and much less skilled members. :)

I don't know how viable his plan would be, but I just thought I'd share some of the thoughts of a first-timer on the server. Feedback never hurts, eh?

March 26th, 2003, 09:06 PM
From the famous words of Highlander "There can be only ONE"..


March 26th, 2003, 09:08 PM
but we do appreciate the thought that another young clan would like to emulate ours, that is a compliment of the highest order, thank you

-FA- ManiacalClown
March 26th, 2003, 09:08 PM
Be careful with the Highlander quoting. My clan leader has a very nice sword and just might take that as a challenge! :)

-FA- ManiacalClown
March 26th, 2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_MadOne
but we do appreciate the thought that another young clan would like to emulate ours, that is a compliment of the highest order, thank you

AR_MERC_ManiacalClown just doesn't have the same good look to it. (Don't tell Brandon I said that. ;))

March 26th, 2003, 09:13 PM
Maniacal, We enjoy having you guys around and thanks for the compliments, they really mean a lot to me and I'm sure all other MERC's. Tell them to come back and everyone is more than welcome. They are only not welcome if they do not know how to have a good time playing cs :)

March 26th, 2003, 09:21 PM
Just so y'all all know the term "Louisiana Mercenaries" refers mainly to the "joie de vivre" (Joy of life) that is so prevealent in LA! We find any excuse to have a good time and have it together, so this is why we fell free to incorporate so many other nationalities into our clan (albeit South Carolina or Arkansas) lol You see what I mean. Welcome to server and enjoy yourselves! Laissez Les Bon Tomps Roules!

March 26th, 2003, 09:43 PM

Tell Brandon if he really wants to see us set it off, tell him to come to the LAN and bring yo candy azz too.:p

BTW, we don't sprout branches we assimilate like the Borg...Resistence is futile.


-FA- ManiacalClown
March 26th, 2003, 09:47 PM
Sorry, can't make it. Will (hopefully) be in Chicago around that time. I promise to make it out to one of your LANs eventually, though, whether it be this year or the next or many down the road.

March 27th, 2003, 02:25 PM
Hey meh = Brandon and From AR, and I play CS, what a Coincidence. I used to live in Malvern too, right near Benton.

Its hard to find two Arkansans with computers who both play CS.

March 27th, 2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Dirge
incorporate so many other nationalities into our clan (albeit South Carolina or Arkansas)

Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother
assimilate like the Borg...Resistence is futile

AHHH!! Ive been assimilated into the LA_Borg's....RUN AWAY

w00t :laugh:
(couldnt RESIST...lol)

(I'm sorry, I know it was a bad pun, but someone had to go there)

March 27th, 2003, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Death-Speak

Its hard to find two Arkansans with computers who both play CS.

You could have dropped the CS and still been correct.


March 27th, 2003, 05:44 PM
PWNED...good one BB

-FA- ManiacalClown
March 27th, 2003, 06:37 PM
It's a good thing I'm originally from Minnesota, or I might be offended right about now. :)

March 27th, 2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Dirge
we fell free to incorporate so many other nationalities into our clan (albeit South Carolina or Arkansas)

Yea, we SC boyz are gonna take over :)

Funny story... the other day at work a bunch of us guys were hanging out in one room, then one of the guys looked around and realized... we had 6 (SIX) LA_MERCs in the room at that time... Which is pretty impressive, considering (1) we're in SC and (2) it wasn't like it was a lan or anything -- it was work, and (3) that wasn't even all of the mercs who work there.
