View Full Version : Steam................

March 26th, 2003, 07:08 AM
got a question , yesterday i downloaded Steam for cs . wth is it .... i thought it was 1.6 for cs. can someone pleae help me out please. im installin it now like a idiot , will i still be able to play 1.5???

March 26th, 2003, 07:26 AM
now most would consider me a boon, but at least i know not to install something of which i know nothing about..lol

U|33R n00|3
March 26th, 2003, 07:37 AM
yes crazy...you will still be able to play 1.5 as usual through hlsw. steam just allows you to connect to 1.6 beta and play on those servers which run 1.6. after you install, it will automatically update when an update has been run. good luck with it and i think you will enjoy 1.6. its different but a lot of fun.
