View Full Version : THIS is WAR on Godgaming.com

March 23rd, 2003, 09:13 PM
ok after we lost our server with totalhost.org seeing that there not hosting game servers anymore.
i looked and paid for a server with Godgaming.com
well after finding out that thay we would have to wate 2 weeks or more for them to build a server system for us i told them i wanted my money back.
thay tell me i will have to wate to get it back for the same resion the owners mother died.
but i'm still fighting for my money back and now the fookers have charged me for a 2nd month for a server i never have had.

it seem thay tried to pay me $80.00 bucks back but i had paid $100.00 and i'm pissed and will be posting and informing everyone to stay away from them.
now i will post some e-mails to let you see this.

Subject :

Date :
Sun, 23 Feb 2003 20:52:18 -0600

Hey man, my name is John Wright and im a server admin for
godgaming.com. I have recieved your payment for the server.
Unfortuatly the John Allen (owner) is out of town because of death in
his family. I have no room on the servers we have right now. I need to
wait for john to get back before we can buy another one to give you
the best stability in your gaming server. When john gets back ill
setup your server asap and then start the payment date on the day you
get the information on your server. I am really sorry about the delay.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to email me back.
John Wright

From :
"John Wright"

To :
"Christopher Jarvis"

Subject :
Re: Godgaming.com

Date :
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 17:25:06 -0600

that doesnt have gameservers do they?

> yes i want my money back i'm going to phatboys.com
> thay cost more but the server will be up today.
> so send me my money back.
> >From: "John Wright"
> >To: "Christopher Jarvis"
> >Subject: Re: Godgaming.com
> >Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 06:43:27 -0600
> >
> >are you sure? because if you just wait like a few days ill take off
> >the setup fee for the month which was 20$
> >
> > >
> > > thats right just send me my money back and now so i can get a
> >for
> > > monday.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > >From: "John Wright"
> > > >To: [email protected]
> > > >Subject: Godgaming.com
> > > >Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 20:52:18 -0600
> > > >
> > > >Hey man, my name is John Wright and im a server admin for
> > > >godgaming.com. I have recieved your payment for the server.
> > > >Unfortuatly the John Allen (owner) is out of town because of
> >in
> > > >his family. I have no room on the servers we have right now. I
> >to
> > > >wait for john to get back before we can buy another one to give
> > > >the best stability in your gaming server. When john gets back
> > > >setup your server asap and then start the payment date on the
> >you
> > > >get the information on your server. I am really sorry about the
> >delay.
> > > >If you have any questions or comments feel free to email me
John Wright

From :
"John Wright"

To :
"Christopher Jarvis"

Subject :
Re: Godgaming.com

Date :
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 17:31:09 -0600

yeah well like i said we cant yet cause im not in charge of money.
John allen is. he will send it the moment he gets back. theres nothing
else i can do because im just a server administrator. if you need to
email him please contact him at [email protected] because i have
nothing to do with payments. im sorry to hear that your leaving. sorry.
i dont know how soon he will be back from his mothers funeral because
it is out of state and we havent had time to put something on the site
about it yet.

From :
"John Wright"

To :
"Christopher Jarvis"

Subject :
Re: Godgaming.com

Date :
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 20:35:22 -0600

well thers nothing i can do but either setup your server which will be
availible on sunday or you can wait till john allen gets back which is
saturday night...its your choice, im sorry but there isnt anything
else i can do. but if you change your mind and want a server we are
buying a really nice server from a datacenter that cal and gamedaemons
both use.

> i would like my money back ASAP. seeing i'm going to get billed for
> intrest on my CC in 2 days

From :
"John Wright"

To :
"Christopher Jarvis"

Subject :
Re: Godgaming.com

Date :
Tue, 04 Mar 2003 10:38:11 -0600

dude hes sending ur money back NOW.
his mom died what do u want him to do?
hes never been gone more than 1 day before and besides that i
have plenty of control. its set up so i dont deal with the money
because its his money to start out with so your wrong saying that
he cant trust me because he can and i hope your happy with your
money back. Thanks
> well i expect it to be done ASAP.
> most people would say it would be done as soon as he gets
> and say there sorry for the hole thing.
> i understand why he can't but he realy must not trust you if you
can't take
> care of this.
> and i would hate to have you as a server host if every thing had to
be dealt
> with by him. i'm not even around all the time but i have not 1 but 3
> that take care of things when i'm not around.
> and i can make this in to a realy nice add.
> and put it up on my website. seeing we are getting about 600
new hits a
> day.and a totle of 1000 hit all and all. but better than that.
> no i will not do this every time i read your replays it pisses me off.
> just get me my money back.....
> under stand.

From :
"John Wright"

To :
"Christopher Jarvis"

Subject :
Re: Godgaming.com

Date :
Sun, 09 Mar 2003 09:55:23 -0600

We are NOT trying to rip you off. if you think we are im sorry but
john should have sent the money back. i told him the day he got back
to send Christopher Jarvis's money back and I thought he had. i will
tell him again to send it back.

> how is he sending it back to me?
> i have not seen anything in PAYPAL or on my CC.
> one your not the frist server host that has tried to rip me off.
> this is the 2nd one i'm haveing to fight to get my money from.
> and i'm one step away from a add campain and the BBB.
> a clan that has had a good server and a good website for over 2
years get a
> lot's of hits to our website.
> and i still feel you additude to me is not as it should be.
> i under stand about the owners mom passed away.
> i have 25 people griping at me all the time. if something does not
go right.
> so deal with it.
From :
"John Allen"

To :

Subject :

Date :
Sun, 9 Mar 2003 11:09:12 -0600


You will recieve a credit as soon as possible. I attempted to credit your credit card today however there were errors on 2checkout's system. 2checkout has been notified and you will recieve a credit as soon as the system is repaired. We are not trying to rip you off. I was just out of town handling my mother's funeral.

John Allen

From :
"John Allen"

To :

Subject :

Date :
Sun, 9 Mar 2003 11:14:01 -0600

I have opened a trouble ticket with 2checkout. I believe it is just one of their servers is down right now and that is what is preventing us from refunding you. Sorry for any trouble this has caused.

John Allen
God Gaming

From :
[email protected]

To :
[email protected]

CC :
[email protected]

Subject :
Credit Card Credit Transaction Refund

Date :
10 Mar 2003 05:49:11 -0000

A refund against the following order for Dot Simple was processed.

Order Number: 30761-R1247497
Credit Amount: 80

2CheckOut.com and Dot Simple

now after i have E-mailed them 3 time saying that was not the full amount.
i get this in my e-mail
From :
[email protected]

Reply-To :
[email protected]

To :
[email protected]

Subject :
Dot Simple Recurring Bill Receipt

Date :
23 Mar 2003 22:38:33 -0000

Hello Christopher Jarvis,

This is to inform you that your recurring order for Dot Simple was billed

Order Number : 30761-R1247497
Card Number : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Amount : $80.00
Company : Dot Simple
URL : www.dotsimple.com
Email : [email protected]

you see why i'm pissed

March 23rd, 2003, 09:14 PM
i would like everyone to goto there forums and tell them DigitalMindz wants all there money back.


there forums http://forums.infowire.org/

let them know send them this link to this post

maybe thay will get off there buts and do something right.

sorry if there was some bad words in there i tried to keep them edited out for you.

but i'm realy upset about the hole thing.

March 23rd, 2003, 09:21 PM

March 23rd, 2003, 11:26 PM
feel better?? Geez DD. IMHO, it sounds like the guy was trying to work with you and was very appologetic. Looks like the billing is an automatic thing. I'm sure you'll get your cc credited.


March 24th, 2003, 12:58 PM
look at the time line. it's taken them over a month.
and thay still have not given a full refund.
i'm not sure about you but when someone jurks me around i don;t like it and will not let them do this to me with out a fight.
yes he was vary nice and in a vary nice way told me you will just have to wate.
i use my Credit card alot and max it out about 4 times this week.
building computers for people. i pay it off when i get paid.
and don't get paid untell thay get the computer most of the time.
and if thay have use up the credit and a order get cancled and the parts don't get here on time it looks bad on me.

thay deleted my post on there forums there.
if you read closely you will see he could give me some of the money back but not all of it. if he could give some back he could have given it all back there just BSing me and hopeing i do not keep pushing this.

March 24th, 2003, 02:07 PM
I didn't look at the time, only the posts. I guess I see your point but as a detective I'm used to being lied to...just part of the job. If I let it get me upset I'd never have a successful interview.


March 25th, 2003, 02:45 PM
well after posting all this in there fourms and other people forms and haveing my clan and other clan and friends reply back thay refunded all but a $20.00 setup fee. now i'm tring to get this back.
but thay are saying thay will not give it back.

IT is a fee for seting up the server "the server thay did not HAVE so thay COULD not have SET it UP for me"
there for i should not be charged for it.
the fight goes on for $20 buck.
lol I know but it's the princable of the thing now.
so tomorrow i'm faxing all the INFO to VISA what i should have done the 2nd day.
over 30 pages of info. inclueding one where thay told me thay would take off the setup fee.

March 26th, 2003, 11:45 AM
here is more information: tring to let everyone know so no one else get riped off

I quote "All Services provided As-Is. No Refunds. All Sales Final.".
You see there was no services Provided you did not do anything. so now i will have to act and do what i feel i must do.

>From: "John Allen" <[email protected]>
>To: "Christopher Jarvis" <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: don't know what wrong full use of a CC is let me show you.
>Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 21:26:18 -0600
>As you see on the sales page:
>I quote "All Services provided As-Is. No Refunds. All Sales Final.".
>Have a Nice day,
>John Allen
> >
> >
> > i was billed again.
> > i want my money back today.
> > i'm so upset with you and you BS.
> > IF you have ***KED up my orders i will realy be ****sed.
> >
> >
> > one i have not seen you have even sent me my $100.00 bucks back and
>now you
> > have billed me for $80.00 bucks more.
> > if this is not fixed and my CC not fixed i will be calling my CC and
> > a full statement to what has been going on.
> > this will be done if you don't have my money back when i get off work
> > monday.
> >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________________________ _______________
> > Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.
> > http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail
> >
> >
> >
