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March 20th, 2003, 06:00 AM
I need to get better at cs.....alot better. Im good right now but i need to be great. Please give me some advice besides prcatice on how to get better.

March 20th, 2003, 06:09 AM
Well, honestly...practice is the only way to get better. Play against people that are better than you and WATCH what they do to kill you. Learn from your mistakes. Learn from watching other players. Burst fire...don't spray and pray (unless you are an MP5 guru or something). Learn how to use the AK (I hate the gun...I've never learned how to shoot the thing well). Learn how to snipe.

That's about all I can tell you ... good luck!

March 20th, 2003, 06:23 AM
Here is a good exercise for weapons training. Start a LAN game with iceworld. Pick any weapon you wantand start playing with it. Pick a spot on the wall and start shooting from diffrent distances and diffrent rates of fire. Try shooting from standing, jumping, running and kneeling positions. It will teach you how each weapon reacts in each situation in a controled environment. If you are reeally motivated, you can make yourself a custom spray that looks like a target or a player and practice with that. A large part of this game is knowing the weapons. As far as aiming that's just practice. Aim for the center of the body till you get good at it. Then start aiming for just below the neck. Most guns have a "walk up" effect and will generate a headshot. The ohter thing is you HAVE to know the maps inside and out.


March 20th, 2003, 10:58 AM
Another suggestion would be after youve played around with the weapons on iceworld, load up some bots and prac with them. I know some dont think they help, but if you load up a lot of the on the other team it helps with learning how to, as corona says, do reflex(the OMG AHHH RUN AWAY THERES A MILLION OF EM) shots more accurately.

March 20th, 2003, 03:19 PM
Yeah all that and then the biggest is just play play and play some more it's alot of learning the game.
