View Full Version : FRAGMONKEY laying tha smak down for the USA

March 19th, 2003, 07:40 AM
Since we are going to be soon going to war i just wanted to let you guys know that i have heard from everyones favorite marine Fragmonkey.
He is station in Kuait(i think i spelled that right) 22 miles from the iraq border. he will be on the front line of the assult on the southern border of iraq. he is manning some type of gernade launcher on top of a hummer.I talked to his mom the other day and she said she was really worried about him, so keep him and his mom in your prayers. I know i have been. the funny thing was that when his mom asked what he wanted to be sent to him he said "i want some PC magizines" LOL i thought that was funny, that is just like him, regardless of were he is he still wants to know whats going on in the world of PC gamming. anyways if anyone wants to write him i got his address just e-mail me at [email protected] ohh and it will only cost one 37 cent stamp to mail it too.


March 19th, 2003, 07:44 AM
WHOOPS i spelled his name wrong its FRAGMONKEE he would give me hell if he knew i did oh well LOL

March 19th, 2003, 07:54 AM
You tell him that he needs to whoop dat azz quick so he can be back for Armageddon. Let him know that we are all thinking about him and that we are very proud of what he is doing for us and the rest of the country.

