View Full Version : News Desk

March 18th, 2003, 03:48 PM
saw this little program on TSS last night. I downloaded it and played with it today. seems like a pretty cool proggy. just needs more sites to support it. (which support is spreading fast from what I hear)


check it out, it's free, but you need .net framework installed first. you can get it from windows update site.

this is a program that fetches news for you, so you don't have to surf around the net.

March 18th, 2003, 06:41 PM
heh, that's funny. I was messing around with RSS aggregators all day today. There are quite a few good sites that support it. Check out www.newsmonster.org if you use mozilla. That's a prety cool one, but I dont' really like the interface (I think, I might just be being picky). You will be able to read almost all weblogs with this progs.
