View Full Version : Question on CC Strategy for Single Player

March 18th, 2003, 10:57 AM
I think Im on the last mission for China (the one where you are first given nuke permission anyway) and Im getting my butt pwned. I was wondering if anyone might have a strategy for defeating them.

My problem is I cant seem to get enough money quickly to build everything that I think needs to be built. And then I hold my own for awhile defending while Im building up army, and I get hit by a STEADY stream of bad guys, suicide bombers, tanks, and scud launchers (which are the REAL pains for me cause they take out my gattling cannons from long range and I cant seem to position my nuke launchers well enough to take em out without taking forever and getting blowed up).

I know I need to take control of the oil tower, but if I do that first thing I get hit HARD with very little support for the tower.

So plz if you have a suggestion let me know.


March 18th, 2003, 12:20 PM
Yeah...good luck man. China 7 (as we have dubbed it) is THE hardest mission in the whole game (or, atleast, it was for me).What I did was this: Build 2 nuke tanks and position them on either side of the road leading intot he town. Force fire down at the bottom of the hill. This will take care of anyone advancing onto your position. THen, to your right, there are more boxes next to a building. Get those (you'll need the money!). I sat there for like almost 2 hours I think waiting for him to run out of money. You have your artillary and cluster bombs...use them to wreck havock in his base (top of the hill on the other side of the city ). I also built an airport so I could spy with my jets. DON'T send them too far North, or they;ll get shot down.

Good luck, man.


March 18th, 2003, 12:31 PM
If it is China 7, it is the last one.
on China 7:
1)you start right after an ambush so take control of everyone left and kill all the GLA one by one, in the area.
2)you have a small base to start, build the very basics and hackers(let them make you money)
3)there is a small GLA base on the right(destroy as few of the buildings as you can, TAKE THEM OVER WITH BLACK LOTUS, very important.
4)Especially leasve the GLA supply depot to GLA, use Black lotus to steal all their money(money hack)
5)at this point you should have basicallly two bases or one really spread out base(anti-scud prevention), build lots of hackers and put them far away from your base.
6)now for satge 3, you need to take the supply center in the town
build all overloard tanks with 50/50 speakers and gattling guns.
add in a few of this and that
7)now just take this massive force of destruction and move out to the hills and take everything out, in the meantime keep building tanks back at the home base.

-If you don't understand a step please advise, as I gave you the short version, and I will clarify.


March 18th, 2003, 12:44 PM
I got whooped on 6. The one where you CANT build a base but have to work your way around the map. Stipid soccer feild keeps flooding the street with b00ns. I only tried it once and found out after going all the way around the other way.



March 18th, 2003, 12:56 PM

March 18th, 2003, 01:55 PM
Yeah that one i simply took all of the current force (plus whatever tanks i could build) and crossed over the bridge closest to my base and basically hauled booty to the bridge destroying everything i could along the way. I managed to beat it, but the only thing left was Black Lotus who got to the bridge a heartbeat before they killed her.

March 18th, 2003, 01:57 PM
thx mike, i never even thought of using the money hackers. they dont need to be close to an actual source of money do they?

March 18th, 2003, 02:02 PM
No, they hack the internet. Black Lotus needs to be close though. Also, the hackers increase the money they take as they increase in rank. Pretty cool.

March 18th, 2003, 02:08 PM
w00t w00t....might be the weekend before I get to play it, but maybe this time I'll kick their butts instead of getting mine handed to me...lol

March 18th, 2003, 03:14 PM
Scott the key to 6 is to build gattling turrets and defend your base before you go. Then cross over the bridge as Mav said and have a gattling tank or two stay at the train yard, then every time a train of dudes is unloaded they will decimate them.
-the gattling turrets will decimate angry mobs and suicide bombers.
-As Mav said the key is to take out the SAM sites and then sneak Black lotus around the right side to the bridge. You should never even enter the city.

Mav the hackers,overlords, and black lotus are the key to that mission.
Yall need to get On-line cause then the play becomes about twice as hard, with Andy suffocating ya, and Giblet grinding ya to dust :p
This game roxors!

March 18th, 2003, 03:16 PM
i would love to mike, just waiting on *cough* my copy to come by mail so i can try out my l4g h4x on cc to see if it works
