View Full Version : Show your supprot

March 14th, 2003, 11:21 AM
Check out this link. I got it from FOX NEWS this morning. Lots of traffic so you may have to try later on. Tell Hollywood to STHU!



March 14th, 2003, 01:35 PM

March 14th, 2003, 02:15 PM

March 14th, 2003, 02:22 PM

March 14th, 2003, 03:00 PM

March 14th, 2003, 04:17 PM
Done and done..

March 14th, 2003, 04:34 PM


March 14th, 2003, 05:19 PM

March 14th, 2003, 05:35 PM

March 14th, 2003, 06:09 PM
done and passed on!

March 14th, 2003, 08:15 PM
Done and passed on as well

March 15th, 2003, 11:34 AM
Number 1.. what is supprot?

Number 2.. I DONT AGREE WITH THIS POST!.... and ill tell you why....

Freedom of speech, one of the things we fight so hard to protect is what gives them the right to say whatever the hell they want to say, and its the same right that gives these bunch of donkeys the ability to put up that site... By trying to silence the first guy, you will just end up silencing the second....

I dont mind saying that France is a bunch of worthless, and unthankful people at the moment, but to lash out at our on countrymen for what they believe is just worthless. Just because our opinions differ on what should be done does NOT make either of us wrong...or right for that matter! The truth is, no one will ever know.. if we fight this war it could turn out to be the perfect thing to do, and it works and everything is great, it could also back fire and hurt us worse than anything else we could have done. The point is, no one single human life has that answer. So I say, believe what you believe, share with others what you believe, but above all RESPECT your countrymen even if they dont believe the same thing.... they may turn out to be right about the whole thing in the end....

March 15th, 2003, 02:32 PM
Dont sign it then. My beef is they use (or abuse) their celebrity status to forward THIER pesonal agenda...that's not right. I'm not denying them thier opinion, I just don't want it mixed with my entertainment. They are entertainment not unlike a trained seal...that's it. The last thing I wanna hear at the Oscars or Grammys is an over paid talking head denouncing the war. I have yet to hear just ONE of them say something nice about the troops. You know damn well none of thier family is in the military. Why??? Money. The more you have the less likely you are to feel the need to serve your country. Obviously that doesnt apply to all but you know in general I'm correct.

Freedom theives and Liberty leeches...They wouldn't know what its like to fight for our country. Ask yourself this... how many of these Hollywood antiwar crowd have acted in a movie that portrays war or extreme violence. Kinda hipocritical don't ya think.

BTW....you should know by now I can't spell worth a damn.


March 15th, 2003, 02:35 PM
You know as well as I that a lot of these people, especially comedians and musicians go out to be with the troops during anything like this. My point is just dont lump them all into one pile and say they dont know crap and shouldnt say anything... Im just saying.. be careful what you "support"!

March 15th, 2003, 08:06 PM
Hang on, no one is lumping anyone into any pile of mass, not yet anyways. This web site is a show of support and also how much we the supporters do not like what is being said by these actors, if we do not tell them what we think, then how will they know, we are just replying to there anit-war remarks and boarder line anti-American jesters, just letting them know that others fell differently then they do. It is very American for us to voice our opinion as well, we have just as much right as they do.

Also, you say "be careful what you support”, at least I have chosen something to support and I did so on my own, not by word of mouth. I have gathered the facts, judged them carefully, then reviewed them again, and have decided that we must act now and not later. I will not let fear govern my decisions, I will not let the rest of the ignorant and uneducated masses swayed my decision. That regardless of how it may make me look, I will not change my opinion, because that is obviously what the Politically correct crowds are worried about, how they look. Also I will not let a murdering Dictator, who we have been trying to disarm for 10 years rule anymore, how much time are we suppose to give him, another 10 years, no wait how about 20 years, oh what the hell lets just let him do what ever he wants, like invade Saudi Arabia again. Tyler there was a special the other day that asked people in Saudi Arabia about what Iraq did to there people, almost all of the people interviewed said that, “imagine your family being raped, beaten, killed before your eyes, then robbed.” Diplomacy has failed, we can not trust the UN to follow its laws, what other chose do we have. I hear all the time, we must try everything possible to prevent war, well guess what,everything has been done twice over, how many more times must the same thing been done before you people will open your eyes, or maybe some of you should just continue to keep them closed, your eyes don't seem to be helping you anyways.

March 15th, 2003, 08:50 PM
Insert several clapping emoticons here....GJ Dan.


Come to think of it...we need a little clapping emoticon...where do you find those things anyway?

March 17th, 2003, 07:50 PM
I would just like to publicly state that this was nothing personal towards anyone, especially not BB... we are all friends here.. good friends I like to think and I was just stating what I believe to be true. In my first post, I made a comment about the way BB spelled support... it was meant as a joke to lighten the mood before getting so deep into all this other crap (that I still don't nec. agree with, but we ALL have our own opinions for our own reasons) but instead I believe it worked the exact opposite way and made me sound like a d!ck... and that's NOT how I meant it at all... and then the second post I put support in quotations and I think that may have been confused by me once again pointing out that mistake, that was actually incorrect and I didn't even think about the typo again.... anyway I'm very sorry if I offended BB... instead this was meant to just kind of shine a light on both sides of the situation not to pick a fight and not to be negative, and if it came across that way I apologize to anyone and everyone involved. I respect all of you guys, and I honestly believe you all have good things to say that should be thought on. I could have made this apology as a PM to BB, but I didn't think that would have been fair to anyone and everyone else involved with this post, plus I just wanted all of you to know where I was coming from in hopes that you would respect my opinion just as I DO respect yours!.... heck, I love you guys! hehehe...


March 17th, 2003, 07:58 PM
:hug :cheers :nox :fruit :bigok :bow


March 17th, 2003, 08:17 PM
w00t!.. I'm with ya man!

March 17th, 2003, 09:19 PM
I am/was lucky enough to live in the greatest country in the world and the second greatest (at least in my opinion). Those being USA and Canada. Freedom of speech is very valuable, but like mentioned above in another post, the people that sit on the fence because of political correctness can kiss my Can-Am bunghole!! You should make a decision on what YOU believe not what someone else believes. Do the research, get different opinions, but form your own opinion from what you have learned. As for these actors/actresses trying to get in the limelight, shut the h e double hockey sticks up!! I don't wanna hear it, you know nothing more than any of us do and don't speak like you are my friend, because you are far from that. YOu do not care for my well-being (at least most of you).
I will respect anyone's opinion but use don't your occupation to grab the media's attention to further your own agenda. We will not stand for it.

man, i have alot of anger.......lol

March 17th, 2003, 09:56 PM
oh look at this reign left his stuff auto sign in on my mom's computer hahahaha i totally forgot what i was going to say now

March 17th, 2003, 10:03 PM
I understand Canuck and im with all of you but i know there are SOME people that REALLY do know what they are talking about, and whose opinion i do respect...

i.e. Dave Matthews ( i warn anyone about saying anything bad about Dave as he is my idle and hero!!! I have seen 21 shows and WILL see more, DMB IS MY FAVORITE band of ALL TIME .. so PLEASE DO NOT GO OFF ON HIM! hehehe.. thank you!) and Tom Morello (audio slave/rage against the machine)....

So thats where im coming from on this!...

anyway.. LATA!

March 18th, 2003, 06:07 AM
neg on the dave matthews tyler.....axl rose is the all knowing musician. not far behind him is sebastian bach of skid row. now there is some good music.

March 18th, 2003, 06:26 AM
kk No one is knocking musical talent, but because they are gifted in that area, that doesn't mean they have any geo-political savvy. Unless they plan to be able to join intellectual discussions on the matter, they should stick to what they know and be judged by their awesome artistic contributions rather than their possibly inane political comments.

March 19th, 2003, 05:19 PM
i do think they know what they are talking to... Dave has a major background dealing with war, and just dealing with badness ... he is from South Africa and was there during the struggle with apartide (sp?) and his sister DIED in a protest over that stuff... as for Tom.. he is a major thinking.. really smart guy... hes got some pretty major views on things... and IM going to say this because i know it to be true...

sorry canuck BUT... axl rose is a ****!!!.... that doesnt mean you cant like guns n roses or anything like that.. i wasnt comparing music, but as far as an actual person and personallity goes... axl rose is a ****!!... whoops.. said it again...

anyway Canuck, thats not directed AT you, but is directed towards axl.. hehehe... and Dirge, I understand what your saying man.. thats why im not just gonna name any and all musicians... like Sheryl Crow... shes a great musician but that dont mean im gonna trust her opion on us having a war.. see what im saying?

March 19th, 2003, 07:46 PM
yeah tylyer axl is a *****! but he was cool when i was a teenager..lol

March 19th, 2003, 08:06 PM

March 20th, 2003, 12:05 AM
ANybody who has that dork Buckethead in his band is an idiot....end of story. I was G&R fan back in the day and Appetite, UYI 1 and 2 still kick azz.

I have to say this.....I cant stand Tom Morello or Zack De La Rocha. Like the music...HATE the message. Nuttin personal Ty....


March 20th, 2003, 06:52 AM
OMg I'm fainting while typing this but... I totally agree with you on the Tom Morello thing Big Brother!

March 20th, 2003, 04:48 PM
Its cool man... aint gotta love everything i like... thatd just make you a weirdo .. LOL!...

March 20th, 2003, 04:51 PM
or gh3y....lol


March 20th, 2003, 08:19 PM
HEHEHE... you funny man.... with small pecker!
