View Full Version : Counter Strike the MOVIE

March 9th, 2003, 11:12 AM
Dont know if this was brought up as of yet or not. TODAY (Sunday) on TBS at 1pm CST the CounterStrike Movie will be on. Just wanted to pass this along to the rest of you dedicated CS players

March 9th, 2003, 11:31 AM
i dont think that movie has anything to do with the game

March 9th, 2003, 11:37 AM
It doesnt...here is the synopsis from tbssuperstation.com

Counterstrike (TV-14-V) (2002)
Saturday, March 8 7:00PM

In this thriller, a group of extremists attack a world summit being held aboard the luxury liner, The Queen Elizabeth II. Two brothers, one an ATF specialist with a dark past and the other a Secret Service agent, must come to the aid of the ship and avert disaster. Based on the novel Attack on the Queen from the author of Crimson Tide.

-FA- Th|3f
March 9th, 2003, 12:54 PM
it is kewl, watching it now

March 10th, 2003, 06:55 AM
That was actually decent movie, for the made for TV type, my wife and I watched it yesterday...

Is it just meh or that British chick that was the head of security for the boat, rawr! Hotteh alart!
