View Full Version : sorry LA_MERC i'm looking in to this now. thanks.

March 5th, 2003, 12:16 PM
Junior Member
Member # 22
Rate Member
posted March 05, 2003 09:07 AM
hey man, we dont mind yall coming and playing on our bf1942 server, but do not get an attitude with players on it, nor try to play scrimages in it. We had several complaints from some of our regular players last night, and also onji tore into your members when they tried to tell everyone to leave so that they could play a scrim.
now like i said, we dont mind yall playing on the server, but respect us and our regulars.

Posts: 39 | From: LA | Registered: Feb 2002 | IP: Logged

Member # 4
Member Rated:

posted March 05, 2003 12:52 PM
ok lol i realy would like to know witch one's did this.
and maybe thay joined the wrong server. thinking it was our server but i think not.

thanks for letting me know. wish i could find out who thay where then find out WTF thay where thinking.

i might have to start cleaning house again.
if you can give me there username it would help me.

here is our BF server i also posted your's too in a difrent post.
maybe thay thought we where scriming LA_MERC i'm not sure?
but will find out.

Member # 4
Member Rated:

posted March 03, 2003 07:44 PM
DM BattleField 1942 server
thanks Blown68Kamaro

March 5th, 2003, 12:22 PM
i was playing there i think monday ,and we had alot of members in and there was a lot of LA_MERC there.
onji was there too.
I hope it was not when i was there.
i'm working a lot and don't even get to play much and all ways entrupted when playing.
so if i was there when it happend you will have to forgive me.
for not seeing it. but i don't think i was there.
have alot going on trying to set up a LAN cafe.
by the way when i get it opened your all invited.
i will post more when i'm closer to opening.

March 5th, 2003, 01:01 PM
thanks for looking into it DD..i will see if we can get a list of who was all there and get it to you...

yeah been watching where you have been setting it up...always wanted to do one down here in monroe/west monroe, but really not enough people to keep one going...

March 5th, 2003, 01:25 PM
no deaddog, i dont think you were there for this incident. Just make sure that all dm members realize that this is a public server and not to try to hold scrimms on it. I enjoy playing with you guys. Lets keep it fun.

March 5th, 2003, 01:26 PM
it will be in Batesville Arkansas so not sure how it will do here but it will be easy to move it if it don't do so good.
or i'm stuck with a lot of PC's to sell. lol

March 5th, 2003, 03:28 PM
yeah you weren't there for it, i was talking to onji and was like theres all these guys in here saying if you aren't SoS or 101 leave, i was like hmm, then when onji mentioned the no scrimming thing, someone said oh well they challenged us, i'm not sure but i think it was one of your guys that said that, i could be wrong though, but just thought i'd let you know

March 5th, 2003, 07:28 PM
ok we only have a hand full of members that play BF 1942
most are leaders and there are like 3 others.
i have not found out much on who did this.
but still looking.

March 6th, 2003, 12:43 AM
no problem man, i'm sure that mercy and onji were just making you aware of what all happened, if you don't find out exactly who its alright, i mean i don't think thats what they were looking for, just wanted to let ya know, heh..thanks for the co-op
