View Full Version : mic/sound problems crashes CS..

March 4th, 2003, 06:21 PM
ok people i need some help.................ok here is the questionsss my mic doesnt work during the game people say.but when i test it the voice setup to config my mic..but nothing works i have even reformated my pc...i just updated my soundmax driver to 5.12.3035.....well i like to get this working again the problem just started yesterday.......to the gurus i am running windows xp home...Savage 4 3d card..1500+ athlon xp 512ram 80gb hd but the dial up isp makes all that work like dukey lol......well someone help me......and another thing some times during the game my cs with crash when certain sounds are being played during the game?? what causes that? well if anyone can help a ole Country boy out that dont crap about this stuff please do........thanks Calvin aka SwampDog

March 5th, 2003, 07:36 AM
Have you checked the motherboard/system mfg website for incompatibilities and your drivers, since SoundMax is an integrated solution thats where you'll need to check. Did you build this system, or is it like a Gateway or something? lmk

March 5th, 2003, 10:11 AM
ok...me build my pc myself lol now i bought it from office depot its a compaq presario...5420US..where would i look for name of my motherboard on my pc?? thanks...

March 5th, 2003, 10:22 AM
The sound ingame also sometimes causes my cs to crash and I have not figured out why as of yet. Did you go into your sound properties and make sure that your mic has not been muted on accident? Right click on your speaker in the bottom right of your screen next to your time then left click on Open Volume Control. Once u get the volume controls open, click on Options then Properties. Put the dot in front of Recording then click OK. Make sure the mic is selected and that the volume is where u should be able to hear it.

March 5th, 2003, 02:07 PM
If its a Gateway you'll need to check their site. Also make sure your mic is plugged in all the way.
