View Full Version : Death Of A Hero

February 27th, 2003, 01:43 PM
Mr. Roger's Died Today At Age 74 Of Cancer. Here Is The Whole Write (http://entertainment.msn.com/news/article.aspx?news=116004) up.

February 27th, 2003, 03:07 PM
I swear to you that guy was a pedophile but no one ever caught or reported him. That's a professional opinion...flame me if you like.


February 27th, 2003, 03:16 PM
I agree with you, I heard that also.

February 27th, 2003, 03:22 PM
I heard this one the news this morning as well. I personally think it sucks b/c I grew up watching that show. :(

February 27th, 2003, 03:26 PM
I'm with Yankee on this - I grew up watching him, along with millions of other kids, and he will be missed...

and he was NOT gay or a pedophile, that's simply urban legend...same goes for Jim Neighbors (Gomer Pyle)...

February 27th, 2003, 04:12 PM

February 27th, 2003, 04:25 PM
You know it's a true sign of just how sick this socity has become when we automaticly assume that someone who works with kids is a sicko. This is not flameing you BB or Tracker just that the mind set is that automaticly we think the worst of people rather than the good.

February 27th, 2003, 04:33 PM
Amen Snakebite...I would be hard pressed to believe that there was ever a mean thought through that mans head. I learned a lot growing up watching his show...he was truly an americal legend...

He's gone now, let him Rest in Peace and not slander or scandal. He's been the butt of jokes his whole life.

February 27th, 2003, 05:03 PM
Think about it ya'll...He primarily communicated with ADULTS on that show...Every so often did he work with kids, but who the hell is gonna teach about caring and sharing, potential careers, and even music education to a 4 year old? Parents these days barely know how to tie their own shoes let alone teach kids how to be more open minded and objective to situations? Screw Barney! He just plain sucks! And the hell with the Teletubbies, they can't even friggin speak ENGLISH! The just run around with their fat @$$es looking at a sun with a baby face on it. It dumbs down kids, and frankly, Mr. Rogers helped kids to bring out the potential in young kids. Mr. Rogers was a big part of my life as much as Sesame Street was, and frankly I think that shallow minded people that simply HEARD that he was gay or a pedophile may as well end up with miserable lives. Dude had a wife and two kids for Christ sakes! That is all from my perspective. RIP Mr. Rogers, and to those of you that have all those negative comments about him, well I have just one thing for you...

February 27th, 2003, 06:29 PM
lol....Max.I never heard he was gay OR a pedophile. Like I said, it's my professional opinion as a juvenile sex crime detective. He fits many of the categories I look for in an offender. I'll let it go cause I don't want to start a riot here....just my opinion. I will say this though, some of the reactions to my post are interesting.


February 27th, 2003, 06:36 PM
Hey it's just good to see that someone else is getting the dander of the members here rather than me...hehehe

February 27th, 2003, 06:46 PM
Mr. rogers rules!! As the father of a 2 and 4 year old I can tell you that the world of educational programing for kids sux.......teletubbies....bah! What ever happened to the electric company or 3-2-1 contact??? Not to mention the almighty of afternoon bliss...... school house rock! " I'm just a bill.... on capital hill...."

February 27th, 2003, 06:58 PM
or "conjunction junction whats you function"...hey spark, i have a 2 and a 4 year old also...and i have to agree..my kids dont care all the much for teletubbies thank God, but they do like barney...dont mind it as much, but i wish they would watch sesame street and the others of our days...

February 27th, 2003, 07:03 PM
Mr. Rogers rocks the neighborhood!!!! I want a picture frame thats a TV!!

February 27th, 2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by SnAkEbItE
Hey it's just good to see that someone else is getting the dander of the members here rather than me...hehehe

You shoulda seen me back when I was a new MERC....:D:D:D


February 27th, 2003, 08:21 PM
With all of this arguement, I would like to see some evidence one way or the other about both of these peeps.

Oh and BTW you can get the ENTIRE School house rocks on DVD. w00t

February 27th, 2003, 08:22 PM
And also, snakebite... Hero IS NOT a word I would use for Mr. Rogers. The boys who died next to my Dad and others in conflict qualify much much much sooner than some guy on a TV show. Not just MHO, FACT!

February 27th, 2003, 08:25 PM
A hero is viewed differently in everyone's eyes Dirge...And a hero doesn't necessarily hafta be someone that died at 9/11, a war, or whoever rescued fluffy from a tree...Mr. Rogers is a hero to whoever wants to make him a hero. Not MHO, FACT! Don't make me bring out Mr. Rogers' birdie again...;-)

February 27th, 2003, 09:26 PM
Ok Dirge your correct in that the men and women who put their live on the line every day be it devending it against forign or domestic threat deserve a standing ovation. However If you look back to when Mr. Rodgers started his show he was a pioneer in children's education and that's what I ment he was a hero to many that have followed his foot steps, be it SS Street or Barney. The point is that he was a Major American Icon who influenced allot of peoples lives myself included. I never got allot of encourging words as a child from my parents so to have a grownup tell me and I was special and that I mattered made him a hero to me. I still love to sit and watch him with my two son's today. They are 4 & 3 and they love to watch Mr. Rodgers. I'm just thankfull that PBS still runs his shows today. It gives me the ability to share some of my childhood with my sons. That is pricless.

February 27th, 2003, 09:27 PM
LMAO....Mr. Rodgers was da shiznit back in the day....sho would be good to even see HALF the population practice what he preached when we where kids....

February 27th, 2003, 10:00 PM
kk point taken snakebite...

Mr Rogers, while giving good guidance too me fellow children... Does still not anount to ahero. The sheer definiton of the word implies Greatness. "He hath no greater love than he who who lays down his life for another." That is a true hero! Mr. Rogers, while very conducive to the children's entertainemt world and learning, is NOT a hero. I grew up with him, and I can not think of ONE THING that he did or said that I can quote you or make reference to. I regret the fact that he died, and I think he did do some good for our nation's children. But to classify him in the same level as other heroes is a disgrace, imho.

February 27th, 2003, 11:29 PM
I'll agree BB that yes, Mr. Rogers may fit the "profile" I wasn't trying to flame you...

BTW, I remember being a little kid and loving his show...he is the reason I love music and am a musician...I love jazz becuase off his show...

I like working with kids too, I taught beginning band w/ 6th graders (Brass - trumpet and trombone) last year and can't remember having more fun. Kids are great if they are interested in what you are interested in...I can't think of anything better than taking a little feller hunting or fishing his first time, or even showing him the correct way to hold a trumpet or trombone...they are are future, we need more people to spend time with them...

Just wanted you to know BB that no offence taken and I wasn't trying to start anything, just stating my opinion...and Dirge, although I STOPNGLY agree with you about hero's and such, Mr. Rogers WAS my hero when I was 5-8 years old, I didn't know the true meaning of the word, and I'm sure he was still a hero to kids until the day he died.

RIM Mr. R. you will be missed :-(

February 28th, 2003, 12:06 AM
MAX... I know you weren't flaming. I just figured it was better to let it alone becasue I could write a short book on why I think what I do about him. I'm glad you guys have childhood memories that positively affected your life...das w00t.


February 28th, 2003, 01:29 AM
I hear ya BB, problem is alot of people these days associate the stigma of being especially good to kids as part of the personality of a child molester and such...It's really hard I guess on your part to accept that some people ACTUALLY are good because of all the people that end up a sick bad people. Sad, really...

February 28th, 2003, 01:48 AM
And BB, even though I care about kids, the fact that a lot of peeps thing that people that care about kids and like to do things for/with kids are pedo's, ect. is the reason I've never been a part of the Big brother's organization, ect...

Like Maximus said, everyone who cares about kids and likes to do things with kids and for kids isn't a molester or anything. I do understand as being a cop in the division you are in, in a place like LA why you think about this the way you do, but where I come from, it feels good to take a kid on outdoor activities, and such, and it feels just as good to the kid who may not have a dad at home (I never knew my dad) to have a older male figure to do things with him.

I think it's great that people like you CARE about the kids, but everyone isn't bad....

And whoever was talking about Mr. Rogers and Gomer Pyle, i think it was dirge, it's been an urban legen that Mr. Rogers was gay...I've hear this since I was old enough to know what gay ment...I don't belive it is true. He was a family man (I know it doesn't mean anything now adays...lol)

As far as Gomer Pyle (Jim Neighbors), people used to say that he and Rock Hudson (who WAS gay, BTW and died of AIDS) were like a couple or something, but The two never actually met in real life, and Neigbors was far from being gay, he was quite QUITE the lady's man so to speak...go Gomer...w00t! I will admit, if you watch some of the old Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C shows on TV land, he can come off as "prissy" or whatever but I don't think he was/is. He is just about as "good hearted" or "wholesome" as Mr. Rogers or apple pie. Just in his mannorims may have come across thataway. But CAN that man sing!!! If you've never heard him sing you should look him up. He sang a few times playing Gomer on the Andy Griffith Show and quite a few times on the Gomer Pyle show. He has always been the opening act at the INDY 500 for like 30 years or so singing "Back Home Again in Indiana". Quite a voice, and most peeps don't even know he can sing...only associate him with the "souther drawl" gomer voice....lol.

Peace out all...I'm abbrivated and soon going to beed...hehehe.

February 28th, 2003, 09:44 AM
I'm trying really hard to behave guys...but you aren't making it easy.


February 28th, 2003, 10:56 AM

February 28th, 2003, 01:08 PM
Behave all you want, but noone said how GOOD or BAD you hafta behave...;-) LOOPHOLE!

May 23rd, 2006, 06:23 AM
i'm bumping this thread because this vid is just awesome. Its a little long, but worth it. As one of the comments on the page say, It's amazing the kind of influence such a softspoken man could have, even before he became a household name.


May 23rd, 2006, 11:15 AM
This thread rocks and CFH is on the right track along with Dirge. Television in no way constitutes someone to HERO status EVER. If he didn't get ratings or ran in the red he would not be known. Are the Brady Bunch heroes also.............Bob Barker, he stands for spaying and neutering your pets...that is galant don't you think. What did he get payed for the show? Does anyone know? I will watch the video tonight when I have sound Onji.

May 23rd, 2006, 11:25 AM
I knew we let rook in for a reason! lol

May 23rd, 2006, 01:24 PM

May 23rd, 2006, 02:46 PM
arrgggg freakin thread hijackers, i knew i shouldnt have posted that here bah
