View Full Version : This Blows!

February 15th, 2003, 12:58 PM
omg yesterday i was chillin at my friends house , and we were talkin about what we were gonna do saturday night since gasperilla was gonna do its night parade. were like yeh well go and then maybe the car show , i mean saturday is my favorite day of the week its the only time i really can do something since im off from school and work. so im chillin over there playing that new 007 game and my dad knocks at the door, hes like come on son were gonna go out for a ride take u out somewhere. im like ok. and so there we go , aight about a few minutes in hes like u might want to relax this is gonna be a pretty long jounrey , im thinkin didnt he say little ride . well be back on sunday , turns out we were on our way to tallahasee to spend valentines day with her. i mean its cool and everything but u guys have no clue what goes on at the night parades , nottin but rated r if u get what im saying and talk about some BEER! it would of been so much fun anyway , i wont be able to play anything due to her computer not having no games , but only the internet. aight im out.

February 15th, 2003, 01:19 PM
What kind of parade is this?

February 15th, 2003, 06:17 PM
well lets just say if ur not over 18 ur aint allowed at the thing. gasperilla is something florida throws every year to show the whole pirate thing and they give out beeds . they have one two weeks before tonight for the kids to enjoy it. but tonight is the time for the teens and older folks to go out and party , they giv eout beeds but u got to earn the beeds if u know what i mean;) i mean girls go to extreme just to get em , its the shiznit, and i cant beleive im writing this letter right now as the parade is going on right now err this just makes me madder!!!anyway i guess ill just have to wait til next year
