View Full Version : Won authentification Problemss??

February 14th, 2003, 01:45 PM
i couldn't get any won authentification..Toby u have any ideals? ...please help me ...laterz

February 14th, 2003, 01:54 PM
theres been like 3 posts already on this subject , won is havin problems or something give it time

February 14th, 2003, 02:02 PM
no doubt but ...doesnt fix my problem still cant connect lol

February 14th, 2003, 02:06 PM
dated 2/13/2003(WON.NET is back up... You should be able to log into all servers now.)yea i know but according to
Tobys post yesterday it was fixed just wanting to know.. do he know something...how to fix it?

February 14th, 2003, 04:32 PM
the only idea some of the MERC's had was shutting off the auth..but i think its fixed ..for the time at least heh

February 14th, 2003, 04:36 PM
counter strike is really going whack all the sudden ima take a real m4 and blow away all the won problems at least we wont have any problems that way , but now that i think about it if we do have a problem who will fix it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blue:

February 14th, 2003, 05:06 PM
ME thinks they are upgrading in order to get readdy for 1.6.


February 14th, 2003, 05:12 PM
10-4 good buddy!!!!! 1.6 is coming out!!!!!!! hey i got a question am i going to have to reinstall my skins back in after i install the new 1.6 patch?
