View Full Version : Out of Date??????

February 12th, 2003, 03:49 PM
WTH i went to play cs this afternoon and it was workin fine i leave and go out for like maybe a hour and come back to play and i went to go connect to a server and it says that my Coutner Strike is out of date and go check for upgrades it clicks me out automatically and i pushed ok look for updates it says that i have the current version out but im sitll out of date . now someone tell me what the heck that means. im sort of concerned cause today i gave a friend of mine the game to play i burned him a copy of mine and gave him a wonid i dont use anymore and then i sent him a copy of my download so he dint have to download one. i do not know if hes installed it yet m i hvaent talked to him but can anyone help me out here. this is sorta weird.

February 12th, 2003, 10:09 PM
It did it to me too on and off all afternoon

Not to mention the time the server locked up on Nuke, and it only kicked the whole Terrorist team off -- all of the CT's were still in mid round running around trying to figure out how to end the round. no one to kill,a nd no bomb to defuse.

February 12th, 2003, 10:28 PM
The WON Master Servers were changed. Everyone experienced problems today because of it. Eric Smith from VALVe has reported to the HLDS mailing lists about the change.

The IP addresses for the Half-Life Master and Authentication servers have been changed. These changes shouldn't affect servers or clients unless the file "valve\woncomm.lst" has been edited to use IP addresses (which you should never need to do).
