View Full Version : Let Izzo Join!!!!!!!!

February 10th, 2003, 03:39 PM
Yeah this is [CB/SD]IZzO, and i would like to join a dedicated and mature clan. I am only 15, but i believe i am mature enough to be in LA_MERC. Please don't turn me away due to my age, i am a regular player in the server, and i am sure some members would back me up by saying i am equipped to handle this. I will also get parental consent first, and i hope to attend Armageddon.

If you will help me, please post below.


February 10th, 2003, 03:48 PM
ok few things by posting this and asking you just voided any chances of being in, other than your age, we pick who gets asked, based on a few things team work, attitude, not so much skill, but it could help, it is really based on the type of person you are if you post in forums alot and keep active play in the server then someone may approach you and say hey, would you consider ever being a merc? or something to that extent granted i know you personally and all, i can't stick up for you though, cause i can't do the favoritism cause then we've have to do it for everyone...currently we are on a freeze as far as members go we are close to 50..i'm sure at somepoint it will be possible to have you in the clan..but in time it will come if you do the aboved mentioned..

February 10th, 2003, 04:04 PM
We greatly appreciate your interest in our clan and look forward to your playing here more. However, the age requirement listed in our rules section is non-negotiable. But keep hanging around and play with us, we love other's like us! :D

February 10th, 2003, 05:38 PM
Even if have i have parental consent? and i am mature enough? can't you make an exception please?

February 10th, 2003, 09:42 PM
Sorry dizzo...no one under 18. It really noting to do with aprental consent. We've had probs in the past with younger kids and frankly some of the stuff that goes on in the private forums is rated "R" to say the least:D:D
Serriously we don't bend on the 18 thing....sorry.

