View Full Version : Really Upset right now

February 10th, 2003, 08:30 AM
Well first off you guy's know that I was complaining about my system not posting the other day, and I thought it was the mother board so I ordered an ASUS A7m266 in a close out deal really cheap just to check to see if that was the problem. Well replaced the system board and everything was cool it would boot right up no problems at all. Well went to the computer show here Saturday in Bossier City with a buddy who was looking for a new monitor and he got a great deal on a 17" LCD for $350.00. I didn't get anything wasn't really looking came home. That evening I installed and was playing this new cool game I got, Mafia really good graphics and was getting into game when my system makes this horrible sound out of my speakers and just dies. Well I start trouble shooting I first thought it was the onboard sound so I disabled it and tried to re-boot nothing but the fans spining up. No harddrive spin nothing. So then I re-install the other system board to see if it still did the same thing which would tell me if my processor was possibly good. Well I power it on and well let's just say several chips let the smoke out and don't work anymore. So at this point I'm looking at haveing to get a new mother board and cpu so Snakebite might be down a few day's if I can't find something cheap local it's back to the mail order.

Wish me luck...

February 10th, 2003, 08:35 AM
ouch...that sucks snake...good luck and may the force be with you...

February 10th, 2003, 10:38 AM
i see mercy has been passing his gremlins around again. freaking mercy h4x BAH!

February 10th, 2003, 10:57 AM
Snake...newegg.com is the best place that I have found for computer parts etc. I would tell you to go to the place I used to work, but I wouldn't do that to you. Seriously, save your money and buy online. Use the money you saved to do next day air on the parts. ;)

February 10th, 2003, 12:04 PM
well hurry up Snakey! I'm gettin tired of n00bin the same ol people! And my kill score is goin down too!! j/k, hope you can get back ingame soon pal! We all miss you already! ;-)

February 10th, 2003, 01:04 PM
Yeah Max, those bots can get boring...lol


February 10th, 2003, 09:42 PM
Well here's the bad info, I went to a local place and they were kind enough to test it out for me for the low cost of 45 dollars. Here is the boom!!!!!

1: (2) Hard Drives Dead
2: (1) GFORCE 4TI 4200 128 DDR Dead
3: (1) AMD 2100+ Dead
4: (1) ABIT KA7 Dead
5: (1) 350 Power Supply that took it all out!!!!!!

It totaly fried both hard drives system board, processor and video card.

Good news my main drive is still under warrnty and is going out tomarrow to replacement to WD. My second drive I just bought and I'm takeing back tommarow for replacement. I got a new KA7 and a 2200 1.8 procesor. The video was made by xtasy and it say's lifetime warrnty so I'm going to call them tommarow because their site just advertises that they are going to ATI now.

So hopefully I will be back up here soon I'm allready have withdrawl.....

February 11th, 2003, 01:52 AM
NO WAY!!! Are you SURE that ALL of that is screwed up?! I can't believe that ALL of that is all messed up because of a 350 watt power supply! I DEMAND A SECOND OPINION!!! Heck, send it on down to me! I'll pay for postage and check it for free! I can't honestly think that a 350 watt power supply can take out ALL of that stuff!

February 11th, 2003, 03:11 AM
dude just get a new ps and put it back together and see if it works before you buy all new stuff, cause thats just lame, if all your stuff did go out, see what you can get warrantied cause that just kinda sucks. i had a similar thing happen but only thing that went was my PSU so i'm sorry but i agree with maximus i doubt all your stuff is dead

February 11th, 2003, 06:32 AM
Oh Lord bless this thy hand grenade that with it, we might smite snakebite's computer... in thine mercy!

February 11th, 2003, 06:40 AM
Three Sir!

February 11th, 2003, 07:17 AM
Well I watched while the guy did it. I am a pc tech with over 13 years of exp but I didn't have anything to be able to test any futher than I did. Yes I have allready started the warrnty proccess on my system board, one hard drive. The second hard drive I'm takeing back to best buy just bought it like a week ago. The video card I'm still trying to get in touch with mfg. so hopefully I will be back up and going soo.

What happened was the ps went out and sent a surge, the surge took out all the other stuff. Yes it deffintly stinks and I'm working feverishly to get back up and running so wish me well.
