View Full Version : For 56Kers Need Help!

February 5th, 2003, 12:22 PM
Hey People...just Curious does anyone know if there is a Modem init Strings that would help online gaming?? if anyone knows please hook me up and the rest of the 56kers.....Laterz

February 5th, 2003, 12:32 PM
Swamp.. list your computer specs and your modem specs

February 5th, 2003, 12:36 PM
Dunno, prob the only way to lower latency would be to get phone line noise reducer.
I never wanted to play online games when I had 56K cuz I new I would get pwned, I still get pwned with my cable modem :P.
I'm a b00n so, you'd prob get better advise from someone else.

February 5th, 2003, 12:56 PM
its a
-AMd Athlon Xp1700 MMX 3Dnow 1.5ghz
-80gig Hd
-my graphics card sux its a S3 Graphics Prosavage 32Ram (Factory Crap)
-i am running Windows xp home edition...
-modem is (Pctel manufacturer) Hsp56 MicroModem Driver version (driver date 8/14/2002)
-i have direct x 9.0 also
please help

February 5th, 2003, 01:27 PM
Ok when you connect what is your connection speed?

February 5th, 2003, 02:01 PM
32-36.4kbps not the same sometimes

February 5th, 2003, 02:16 PM
That modem sucks butt.. Evidently you have newer modem drivers than the ones that are listed on Pctel's website.

You should be getting connect speeds around 45-50kbps but it really all depends on 3 major things. The modem, Internal phone wiring, and external wiring. If your phone company has run new digital lines in your area within the past couple of years then you should be getting pretty good connect speeds. If you are running on old copper that been out there forever, you have to just be lucky with the connection speed that you get.

Also, another modem like this may help --> http://www.usr.com/products/home/home-product.asp?sku=USR5610B

February 5th, 2003, 03:15 PM
Toby, what are you referring to when you say digital lines?

February 5th, 2003, 03:33 PM
Dirge, from what I understand.. most urban areas were re wired with newer digital phone lines. I know I had dialup at one time which my speeds sucked and when they ran new lines in my area, my dialup speeds went from 28.8 to 49.

February 5th, 2003, 03:41 PM
i found a another driver for my compaq presario its called PCTEL Platinum V.92 Modem (driver version date 3/6/2002 and i found this init string ..it makes my connectin speed 115.2kbs i dont think that is my actually speed..AT&F&C1&D2&K3W1

February 5th, 2003, 03:43 PM
Don't use the init and see what your speeds are

February 5th, 2003, 03:46 PM
#1 problem: PCTel modems suck! Get you a real one (USR, 3com or Creative) and run with it.
Also...you would like to get a modem that is NOT a soft modem (modem driven by software instead of a chip). I have always had bad luck with soft modems.
Just my $.02


February 5th, 2003, 03:49 PM
Yeah if your only getting a 33K connection that is one big problem, it could be caused by all the reason's listed. My dad is on dial up and has a problem getting connection's above 26K so it could be worse check with your isp and see what kind of modems they are useing in their modem banks. Try and get the same line that will help a little the biggest is if your a remote userer like my dad is that the phone lines are terrible. You can ask the have them balanced but they don't just jump on that...

Good luck..

February 5th, 2003, 05:05 PM
Swamp.. You might want to do like snakebit suggested and find out if they are use portmaster (pm3's) or ras boxes and what chipset are their modems running that you are connecting into..

With that said, I've still found nothing to beat out US Robotics line of modems.

February 5th, 2003, 05:12 PM
Yep...USR's are the best. May cost a little more, but well worth the extra money.

February 5th, 2003, 05:50 PM
Illegal, that's interesting. What more than likely happened was the central office installed a new switch. The phone company only runs new lines when they are irrepairably damaged or in the case of new constructions. In fact, here in New Orleans, we have several very old cables still in use today. I was doing maintenance design work on a competitor's ADSL line that was being served in some BellSouth copper cable installed in 1929. As long as the copper hasn't deteriorated over time, cables put in service in the 1920's have almost identical transmission characteristics as cable placed today. There has been a lot of modernization of central office equipment, such as moving from analog switched to digital switches that have vastly improved line speeds. Just a little FYI ;)

February 5th, 2003, 07:20 PM
hey toby, i recently purchased that modem you have listed there from usr, the only prob is that it is supposed to have a gaming mode that you can turn off and on to help with latency, i just cant seem to find it. I loaded the software off the cd, but windows xp loaded the drivers before i ever put the cd in. Also, im getting a bad fluctuation in my latency that i really never experienced before. With my old modem, if i played after 10pm i would normally get a steady 250-300 ping with only a few extreme lags. Now i get a ping of 200-3000 no matter when i connect with many extreme lags. Either i havent loaded something properly or that modem sux (cant really determine which).

if anyone has a suggestion i would appreciate it.

February 6th, 2003, 02:58 AM
i suggest..oh nevermind we already fixed it mav, or did we ?

February 6th, 2003, 10:52 AM
yeah i posted that before me and you worked on it last night....hehehe

February 6th, 2003, 11:12 AM
Mav.. what did you guys fix? If you installed the software from USR, there should be a USR Control Panel which you can open up and do a Live Update on your modem. The Live update will download any updated drivers or firmware from USR and patch your modem to fix most all problems.

February 6th, 2003, 11:44 AM
and I kinda felt bad too since I was the one that suggested he get that modem anyway - I'm glad you guys got it fixed - what did you do?

February 6th, 2003, 02:29 PM
well the first prob was i was only getting 14.4kbs out of it and the second was the fact that the live update couldnt find the modem when it was connected to the internet, so reign searched usr's website for me to find the "latest" drivers, which included the game tray for my gaming mode (hehehe, havent tried it yet). While that in itself appeared to do nothing, I uninstalled, reinstalled and it seemed to work again (i got 50.6kbs after). Although I did have some prob late last night with it connecting then losing the connection like a minute later (still havent figured that out).

February 6th, 2003, 03:34 PM
When you think its figured out, it H4XORS ya

February 6th, 2003, 04:34 PM
