View Full Version : I've bee haxed

January 31st, 2003, 09:43 PM
Well my system board I think went out on me today. I can't get system to post and I've tried every thing under the sun nothing. I just get a solid HD Activity light on and my DVD activity light stay's solid when I remove the data cables from the DVD and hard drives they will spin up like normal but still no post removed everything but processor, memory and video card. Still nothing so tried my back up video card still nothing. Don't have any other socet A processor's or socet A mother boards. So I have ordered another motherboard and had them over night it so hopefully it will be here Monday and I will be back and going. I havening to use my server for email and such.

So biggie you will have to find someone else to knive for a few day's untill I get my system back up and running.

One other note is that the system board never really acted right from day one when I bought it at a computer show here in shreveport but, that's just the chance you take I guess.

Anyway guy's I'll be back as soon as possible...

January 31st, 2003, 09:46 PM
BAH! ok

January 31st, 2003, 09:53 PM
Snakebit.. if you are getting power to your board then it should post.. try to reset your cmos by jumping jp1 and jp2 on the motherboard with the power cord unplugged and let it sit for 3-5 minutes then put the jumper back like it was and power it back up

January 31st, 2003, 09:58 PM
in in the case his board is like mine...if you dont have a jumper to clear the cmos, just remove the battery on your motherboard for a couple of minutes, them put it back in...you will have to set your bios back up though...including date and time...

January 31st, 2003, 10:01 PM
Did it happen to be an ECS K7S5A??? Just asking...they tend to do the same thing....

January 31st, 2003, 11:27 PM
NAZIS!!!!!!! They got me too Snake but the Allies (my wife and I) managed to liberate the CPU. Damn Tyler brought the NAZI scourge to MERC...thx b00n.


February 1st, 2003, 06:18 AM
SNake...just letting you know wthat there is a computer show in Bossier on Feb the 8th. I know...that's along time to wait for PC parts...but you could get them cheap!


February 1st, 2003, 09:28 AM
Guy's thanks for all the input, I forgot to mention that I am a tech and have worked on computers for over 13 years. Yeah I jumpered the cmos and I took every thing out of the system including the cpu and let it set for a day and then put every thing back in still no post. Just because a system get's power does not mean it will post sorry guy's that's just not true it won't even give me any beep codes to go by.

It's a Abit KG7 plain jane with no built in prephrials. Yeah I know about the computer show that's where I bought all this stuff about a year ago so anyway I have a Asus A7M266 on the way should get it either Monday or Tuesday so we will see what happens then. I could be the processor or the memory but I got this motherboard real cheap via pricewatch so I need to start somewhere....

February 1st, 2003, 09:49 AM
Snakebit.. just a question.. When you have your video card in, does the monitor come on? Does it get video signal? 90% of the time if its bad ram, it will beep but if its a bad processor, it will do what you described above.

What processors will it take? I have a couple thunderbirds sitting around.

February 1st, 2003, 11:15 AM
toby, the mobo i had in my pc at the lan went bad when i got back from bff. It would get power. the video card, all the fans, but wouldn't post. End up being the mobo. I swapped it out and put everything on it that was on the old one and worked w/ no problem. So i'll have to agree w/ snake on this one. Just b/c it gets power doesn't mean that its not bad.

February 1st, 2003, 11:26 AM
woah woah woah.. I never said that it WILL post, I said it should post .. pretty big difference there. Just telling you from past experience. Also, if your motherboard powers up everything and still will not post.. It could always be a bad cmos.. If your board it not putting out the correct voltage to every slot on the board, it will not post. There are ways to test everything if you have the proper equipment but most people just rather throw it away and get a new one anyway.

February 1st, 2003, 11:37 AM
lol techie cat fight! Bowl of milk forum #3 please!

February 1st, 2003, 11:45 AM
Yeah - I worked for a year as a PC Tech in a Retail Computer store and I saw a lot of boards just like snakes - cpu fan will spin up but never will post - same thing bigheads had done. ECS K7S5
a's are VERY prone to it, we got a hold of a particularly bad batch of them from one of out distributors one time and had an order of 16 computers to build and had 5 bad mobo's out of 16. Anyway, we never ordered from them again. Usually, with those symptoms, it's a bad capacitor and can be fixed, I know a guy that has been fixing radio's for 30 years than can fix them - he has fixed some small gateway FlexATX boards for me when the customers did't want to wait on a new board, but I never thought it was worth trying to get him to fix a ECS board...lol...but like you said, how many people are REALLY going to try and fix a mobo - most peeps will just get a new one.

February 1st, 2003, 12:34 PM
LOL toby i wasn't getting on you..just telling you what i've seen as well. yes they can be fixed but mostly it's easier and cheaper to just by another one then spend the time to find what exactly is wrong w/ it.

February 1st, 2003, 01:10 PM
Yes please let's put our claws away I did not mean to cause problems. It could be memory processor or mother board I don't know the problem is I don't have any other system here that I can do futher trouble shooting with.

To answer you question no I don't get anykind of video signal with either card in there. I get power to cpu fans and to the other fans that I have put in but it doesn't post.

So like it has been said it could be memory, processor or mother board at this time. So I decided to go with mother board and then I will look at memory and finally processor.

Hopefully it will just be the motherboard and I will get out cheap.

February 2nd, 2003, 12:33 AM
Stupid machine I came into office this evening and the thing powered up like nothing was wrong with it. I really belive that it's the motherboard. I guess we will see Monday or Tuesday.

February 2nd, 2003, 10:42 AM
Hey I remeber the ECS K7S5A. What a beutiful motherboard. Hey if you overclock it snake it makes pretty colors, sounds, and smells. Nothing like the smell of a burnt mobo in the morning. lol.

February 2nd, 2003, 02:33 PM
Nah I don't over clock or anything like that...

February 3rd, 2003, 03:34 PM
Well got the new system board in today and it solved everything so w00t I'm up and running full steam now.
