View Full Version : Swampdog..

January 31st, 2003, 12:02 AM
The only thing I did was dump all the things that my brother didnt need,then I did a disk clean up..After that I cleared all of his history..Then I went in and changed his g-force card..I changed it to best perf..That seemed to help alot..I also put in a new stick of ram..If you talk to Toby, or MadOne, or I think it was maximus, or maverick..one of them did something to there windows XP and fixed their Ping all togather..I hope some of this helps you out..Just make sure that you dump all the stuff you dont need or use..free some space on you computer that is what helped my brother..The reason his ping is so high right has to do alot with his computer..he only has a 400mhz prosessor, and his cable co. suxs...I hope I helped you out..Some of the other guys might post some things that will also help you..good luck..the only thing that helped me was to buy a new computer..lol..Tracker

January 31st, 2003, 12:04 PM
My Computer is Kinda New i bought it 2002 its a AMd Athlon Xp1700 MMX 3Dnow 1.5ghz 80Hd 512Ram my graphics card sux its a S3 Graphics Prosavage 32Ram (Factory Crap) i am running Windows xp home edition but i am using Bellsouth Dialup service no dsl available in my area ...but if someone could help me...just to better my ping...that would help my game play alot..or maybe not.....Thanks Tracker again for the post..

January 31st, 2003, 12:09 PM
What type of modem do u have and what speed does you dialup connect at?

January 31st, 2003, 12:18 PM
modem is (Pctel manufacturer) Hsp56 MicroModem ...i connect from 32 - 36bps

January 31st, 2003, 12:22 PM
I just liston to the other mercs and that is how i learned..I can tell you this much. The guy that posted above me know alot more about this stuff than I do..He and MadOne and the rest of the mercs got me to where I am now..I would just go get a G-Force 4 128mb mem vid card that would be a big help.When I was having really bad ping I went and got a G-Force4 128mb..And that fixed my prob.when I had my old computer..I hope I helped you out some..Tracker

January 31st, 2003, 12:28 PM
Tracker ...u got 100bones so i can get the G-Force4 128mb card.. wife wont let me lol

January 31st, 2003, 12:47 PM
Your pctel modem is your main problem and your connection speed is the next problem.

I'd make a few suggestions but I don't want to post my knowledge of computers in a public forum... what are you thinking man. Next thing I know, everyone will be asking for my help. .. :laugh:

January 31st, 2003, 12:58 PM
lol...send me it through icq 39583732

January 31st, 2003, 03:13 PM
Swampdog..I have a g-force I can sell you.The only thing is it is a g-force 4 64mb pci slot..If it will help let me know and we will talk price..lol

January 31st, 2003, 03:19 PM
hmmmm, interesting hook me up.....
