View Full Version : Why was Joshua kicked and banned for 6 hours as soon as he joined?

January 28th, 2003, 10:44 PM
What's the deal guys? He hasn't even been playing on your server that much. So what gives? I was told that it was an "admin" decision and that I should talk to an admin, so here I am.

January 28th, 2003, 11:44 PM
I am sure one of the other admins can explain it better than I can but I will tell you what I know. We have recieved many complaints about him on the server. I think that most of it is his constant talking sometime, bothering other people that are tring to play by constantly knifing them, blocking them, or jumping on them during game play, switching teams to the winning team and basicly annoying a lot of people on the server. He has also been showing up in the server real late at night, not sure if you are aware of this or not. I understand that he is a child and kids will be kids, but when it gets to the point of him bothering as many people that he has then we have to do something. If you could please talk with him about this and get him to stop that would be great.

January 29th, 2003, 12:58 AM
Hmmm, I know he talks a lot, but that's what "mute" is for. A lot of other guys talk a lot too. As for the knifing, and the others stuff, tell him to stop and he usually does. The team swapping, he doesn't just go to the winning team. He just likes to change teams. I've told him not to do it, but he does it anyway, he doesn't look at scores when he changes, he just changes.

As for him staying up late at night, yes, I'm aware, and there are reasons for it which I don't feel like are any of your business, so they will not be discussed. If I let him play games at midnight, I'm his mother and that's my decision to make.

January 29th, 2003, 02:02 AM
I never asked why he was on late at night nor do I really care, I was just simply letting you know. If you allow him to play late at night that is fine. As far as him being asked to stop, from what I understand he has been and did not stop when asked. I am tring to handle this as nice as possible but your last remarks came across a little wrong. I was hoping that you could talk with him about the things I mentioned above and that will be that. There is no need for this to turn into something that it does not need to.

January 29th, 2003, 02:39 AM
Sorry, didn't mean to be snippy. I will talk to him about it. In a couple of months he'll have to get used to his "school" schedule anyway and won't be playing much anyway, but until then I'll have a talk with him.

Most of the time if you ask him to stop he will, but people need to remember that he can't quite read yet, so they have to talk to him, not type to him, lol.

January 29th, 2003, 02:57 AM
I kicked him the other night. I didnt ban him. We were playin one on one. He then changes teams and starts shootin me. Now there are two ct's and no competition. So I kicked him. It was an admin decision.

January 29th, 2003, 04:26 AM
Thank you.

January 29th, 2003, 06:35 AM
Basically Corvette, he does it incessantly and irreverantly. He does NOT stop when asked and he HAS become an enormous nuisance to the majority of people on the server for the reasons described above. In situations such as those last night, when the server is already crowded with people enjoying the game, his entrance was received about as well as a hand grenade in your living room. This may be unfortuante or mean in your views, but it is the general feeling of the more frequent server players. Perhaps you could get this point across to him, otherwise more of what occurred last night will be seen. In truth, far more leniency has been shown him than other similar problem players in the past.

January 29th, 2003, 09:18 AM
Well I probably shouldn't say anything but, then again when have I ever not?

In the past I used to get a little upset with him as well but, when Vette explained that we just needed to ask him to stop or to just knive him a couple of times he would stop. When ever he's been on my team which he usually joins which ever side I'm on for some reason he likes me...anyway I just tell him Josh let's play the game and we will knive later he starts playing and might I add he own's a few people in the process. He's a very accomplished young man to have the hand eye cordnation that he does at the age of 5. I'm sure that this will work it's self out though Josh seems to be a nice kid and I know that he listen's to his mom and she NEVER has to repeat her self right?

January 29th, 2003, 05:08 PM
WASHINGTON - To wake parents up to the importance of snoozing, sleep experts warned Tuesday that seemingly energetic children who dodge bedtime for other activities are more prone to injury, poor school performance and crankiness.

"A tired child is an accident waiting to happen," said Dr. Carl Hunt, director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research at the National Institutes of Health (news - web sites).

Many children with chronic sleep deprivation may not seem tired and may even appear to be overactive.

Hunt said injuries on bicycles and on playground equipment are more likely to occur when a child is sleep-deprived, and if poor sleeping habits continue as kids grow older, "the stakes get higher."

"It turns into the teenager who is drowsy and driving a car," he said.

Research shows that bad sleep habits for children can carry over into poor health for adults — causing heart ailments, respiratory problems and obesity, said Dr. Claude Lenfant, director of NIH's National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

Children ages 7 to 11 require at least nine hours of sleep each night on a regular basis to do their best in school and extracurricular activities, NIH said.

Inadequate sleep results in difficulties with focused attention, irritability, easy frustration and difficulty controlling emotions.

NIH estimates that more than 70 million Americans of every age are sleep-deprived.

"Unfortunately in this 24-7 society we're living in these days, it creates many distractions and obstacles to getting a good night's sleep," said Hunt. "We're living in a society that doesn't value sleep enough."

Besides increased extracurricular activities and homework, things that are getting in the way of a good night's sleep for a child are television, the Internet, cell phones and e-mail — with many of those distractions located in children's bedrooms.

"These give children lots of opportunity to do other things besides sleep," Hunt said.

To address health problems associated with sleep deprivation, NIH launched its Star Sleeper educational campaign to raise family awareness to the problem.

On Tuesday, it announced three winners of its "How I Get a Heap of Sleep" contest in which children described their tactics for getting nine hours of sleep each night. One winner was Danielle Wodka, 7, of Lemont, Ill. Her sleep strategies included taking a warm bath and saying her prayers.

Other winners — including Amanda Davol of Somerset, Mass., and Qian Wang of Fort Thomas, Ky. — said they listened to soothing music or read a book to lull them into sleep.

Getting children in the mood for bedtime is half the battle, says Danielle's mother, Chris Wodka, of Lemont, Ill.

"It's a struggle with Game Boy and the TV shows," said Wodka.

January 29th, 2003, 08:40 PM
Good info Scott, thanks for finding it and posting it. It's nice to know we are doing the best thing for our children by making them go to bed at a decent hour at our house!

January 29th, 2003, 09:27 PM
Just doing my part ma'am. ;)

January 30th, 2003, 02:45 PM
I will be the first to admit that I AM one of the players that gets annoyed. I have him on a perm mute right now. He may not read the scores but he knows when he is dying every round and the other team is winning...regaurdless if snakebite is in there or not. I have no problem playing with either of you, he just seems to get bored of the game and starts acting up. If he does not do this, he is welcome on merc by me =) Just a side note... We are not babbysitters for powerwheels, nor do we make the bed times =) But good info la_tech..i'ma use it for me personally...me stay up 2 late =p
