View Full Version : Stop The Madness

January 27th, 2003, 11:40 AM
Dutch Man Goes Postal Over Game
Cyberactive Media Group

An editor of a gay Dutch newspaper is asking authorities in that country to ban the import of an upcoming PC game, claiming that the game is anti-homosexual.

Henk Krol called Postal 2 disgusting, and cited Netherlands anti-discrimination laws as backing his bid to have the game banned.

The game, in development by Running with Scissors, allows players to shoot homosexualsalong with junkies, cats and dogs.

Vince Desi of Running with Scissors told Reuters that the game is definitely not anti-gay, and added, It's a game, get over it.

Desi also stated, You can play the game in a passive role without killing anyone.


January 27th, 2003, 12:30 PM
yeah i saw that...man what is this world coming too...

January 27th, 2003, 03:38 PM
Bwahahaaa, thats hilarious... their name rocks too, Running With Scissors lol thats classic.
