View Full Version : Which OS?

January 27th, 2003, 09:06 AM
Hey guys - I bought this laptop http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31541&item=2302873927&rd=1 off ebay, it should arrive any day now, and it is going to be used for MS Office, Finale 2003, Surfing the web from the recliner, ect, and naturally, I'm going to see how well it plays CS :-P Anyways, I can't decide what OS to load. It has NT4 on it now (according to the auction), but should I leave that, load 2000, 98SE or XP??? Anybody had experiance running XP on a Machine of approx. the same specs? PIII 450, 192 RAM (I'll prolly bump it to 256 knowing me)...

All opinions appreciated!

January 27th, 2003, 09:30 AM
Heh, that's exactly what I have...sigh...for now. PIII, 450, originally it had 128mb ram, but a 'friend' put two 32meg sticks in it and here about a week ago I upgraded to 640mb ram. Also I loaded XP pro on it about 4-5 months ago and I've had no problems with it. It originally had 98 on it and I had a few problems with it. It's definately not fast, but one day...I'll get something better. As far as playing Counterstrike on it, LOL, you can try it, cause I don't know what I'm doing other than being everyone else's target, but as far as I could TELL, it was slow and jumpy. My computer restarted on me a couple of times, but that was before I upgraded my video card. Do you know what kind of video card it has, that may make a world of difference.

January 27th, 2003, 09:43 AM
XP PRO Corp is my choice. Is there any other OS? Hmmmmm.... LOL

January 27th, 2003, 09:45 AM
You left out WinME! Put that on there!!

Please note, that was a horrible joke. ME is the bastard stepchild of all OS's

January 27th, 2003, 09:53 AM
NO!!! No ME....lol - I have nightmares about that OS and an Athlon 850...lol.

The laptop has a 16MB Rage mobility - So I think (THINK) I may be able to get in some armchair CS from time to time - my little cousin had an emachine with a 4MB Rage, and he played UT, Diablo II, Half-Life, Quake 2 and 3 all pretty decently, and it was a celeron 466...

I'm not expecting it to be a gaming machine by any means - i just wanted a portable general productivity machine, and I didn't need massive speed for that - what sold me on that one was the 15.4" screen and 1400X1050 SXGA+ Resolution...I need screen real estate for Finale more than Speed...I can only enter in notes just so fast, and I'm sure a 450 PIII will do just fine...

January 27th, 2003, 10:05 AM
That reminds me of this laptop that was given to me at work. It was a Gateway PIII 600 and the MoBo was dead. I looked on E-Bay and found that board for $90. I replaced it and everything ran fine. Turned around 6 months later and sold it for $400. WOO HOO!
Was NOT good for games. Crappy video (gateway...go figure) and only 128 MB RAM. I used it to take notes in class and to write reports at work in my "spare time".

January 27th, 2003, 11:22 AM
xp pro

January 27th, 2003, 11:38 AM
xp baby

January 27th, 2003, 11:52 AM
Well, you guys certainly are changing my mind - I was leaning towards 2kpro or even leaving NT4 on it - I'll load up XP and give it a whirl...

January 28th, 2003, 09:01 AM
go for 2k, XP is too frufru and bloated. go 2k and keep it simple yet stable
