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January 23rd, 2003, 11:40 PM
The former Bob Craft filed a lawsuit in November against the owners of the reckless-stunt-filled MTV program (and movie) "Jackass," claiming it has defamed him, in that five years ago, he had his own name legally changed to "Jack Ass," which he thought would call attention to his national campaign against drunk driving. Ass, who lives in Montana and filed the lawsuit there, claims that the TV show and movie have damaged his reputation ("which I have worked so hard to create," he wrote) to the tune of at least $10 million. [Reuters, 12-31-02]

Big Mama Funk
January 23rd, 2003, 11:44 PM
ummm...the guy changed his name to Jack Ass and he's worried a bunch of jack asses are going to hurt his reputation????
