View Full Version : New email addy..

January 23rd, 2003, 10:06 PM
Okay my currect email box gets spammed with all kinda of stuff.. yes good stuff and bad stuff.. and good bad stuff ;) But its up to 30 emails of junnk a day and i needed a new one, so for the millions of people that email me my new addy is [email protected] Thnxie Kindie:blue:

January 23rd, 2003, 10:46 PM
what's the matter? you don't like those advertisements where you can get herbal viagara, a larger *****, and free porn -- all from the same e-mail? That's what I call convenience!

Or how bout debt consolidation and mortgages and all that crap? Everybody needs more e-mail about that!

Oh and don't forget the ads for the places that can refill, revitalize and rejuvenate your spent printer cartridges and copier toner cartridges... they're very handy too!

God bless America and its hands-off, "free speech" approach in dealing with invasion of privacy-- er, spam... Ya know, in Europe the fine the living sheet out of companies who send spam... so there's almost no spam in Europe... I wish they would do that here!

I need sleep.
