View Full Version : how to lose weight

January 23rd, 2003, 03:34 PM
ok guys i know a little thing or two about losing weight . back in teh day i was 180 and i dropped down to 150 in a month . over summer break. the way i did it was with a little help of my sister.
1. Weigh yourself your first day of your diet and record it on a paper
2. Make a schedule of what ur gonna do mine was .
Eat breakfast which contained of a piece of fruit and a slim fast (Wo0t)
Then after that i would walk around he complex about 10 times in the morning. And then when i got back inside the house i popped on the tv and did crunches and pushups.(i used a weight on my belly while doing it) Then i ate lunch which was a piece of fruit and a fat free jello. Then i went for another walk (10 times around the complex) . After that i went to cool down at the pool swimming back and fourth a billion times. (make it funner by gettin some rocks and diving after em before they hit the ground WoOT im still a little kid deep down inside. I would walk home and eat dinner which was one of those healthy choice things. half the time i didnt eat it though cause i was desperate of losing weight. I repeated this process for about a month and a half .
The main tip to my diet is never sit down always be doing something situps or pushups or something to keep ur metabolism up.
It worked like a charm fellas i went back to school , PIMPIN its amazing what losing weight does for u with the ladies :) wo0t! i swear that was my best year ever. Althought i did starve myself practically it was well worth it .
TIP!!!! CLEAN OUT UR FRIDGE OF ANYTHING FATTENING!!!!! your fridge should only consist of ur slim fast . jello, and ur fruits and veggies ONLY!!!! You will become tempted to eat other things!!!!!!

January 23rd, 2003, 03:49 PM
Thats much easier if 1) You arent married and 2) you don't work full time.

January 23rd, 2003, 03:55 PM
Yeah and where do you store your twinki when your walking?

January 23rd, 2003, 04:06 PM
much easier if you aren't married. full time job doesn't help the waist line much either.

but simple effective weight loss plan is 4 words long =
Eat Less, Move More

January 23rd, 2003, 05:24 PM
or you can do this.. http://www.getbig.com/

January 23rd, 2003, 05:25 PM
don't click on that link!! Its a double meaning.. Madone you sicko!

January 23rd, 2003, 05:31 PM
HA HA..yeah right..

January 23rd, 2003, 08:22 PM
When do you drink the beer? I'm confused.

January 23rd, 2003, 08:26 PM

January 24th, 2003, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by CrAzYbOnEs
TIP!!!! CLEAN OUT UR FRIDGE OF ANYTHING FATTENING!!!!! your fridge should only consist of ur slim fast . jello, and ur fruits and veggies ONLY!!!! You will become tempted to eat other things!!!!!!

OMG /me faints

Where's the beer?!?! Help, help I'm being repressed!

Not to mention that may be easy to do in NY or other yankee places. Kinda hard to drive by and see seafood platter, crawfish etoufee, boiled crawfish, shrimp po-boy, muffelatas, et al., on the store signs and then go eat your jello. :D

-FA- Th|3f
January 24th, 2003, 07:17 PM
i have a secret wepon, JOIN THE WRESTLING TEAM!

January 24th, 2003, 07:46 PM
I'll wrestle ya for the last beer!
