View Full Version : Anyone up for a game?

January 10th, 2003, 11:04 AM
A spokesman for the Internet site offering "Kaboom: The Suicide Bomber Game" (the more bystander-victims, the more points) told The New York Times in December that the game had been played by computer users about 875,000 times since its introduction in April and is but one of several of the site's questionable-taste games based on contemporary events, including "Extreme WTC (World Trade Center) Jumper," "Sniper's Revenge" and "Pico's School" (modeled after the Columbine, Colo., tragedy). Said the site's Web master, "People ... need to lighten up and realize there are far worse problems in the world than what games people are playing." [New York Times, 12-5-02]

January 10th, 2003, 05:14 PM
thats regarding the site newgrounds.com, actualy ive been there before some of the games there are fun (not all sick) but some push it, im glad the internet still has some of its old freedoms...
