View Full Version : Warning For All Of You!

January 7th, 2003, 11:26 PM
Actually, not really a warning, I just want to tell you that for the next 4 days I will be whipped! My g/f is flying in from Colorado (Wed. 3:30) and staying with me until her school starts. I would say "our" school starts, but I got suspended this semester and now I'm going to a Community College until next year when I make my grand return. I drop her off Saturday, which means NO CS for this cat. Or maybe when she's sleeping...muhahaha. Actually, what we have planned will be more fun than CS (wink wink)...I'm having a party at my house Thurs...wait, why am I telling you guys all this stuff...oh, b/c I CAN! muhahaha...and i'm excited b/c tomorrow I get my Sony Home Theater system...with additional 120W subwoofer...OMG Bass H4x!!! Have fun...later all!

January 8th, 2003, 12:45 AM
omg id say whipped is an understatement if she already has you not playing and she isnt even there. good luck.

January 8th, 2003, 12:46 AM
HAHAHAHA...no kidding look back at disorders post in woohoo..it says what ?

January 8th, 2003, 08:59 AM
It's sad I tell you sad....

More importantly is if I may ask, why did you get expelled.

January 8th, 2003, 09:09 AM
Suspended snake, I'm going back to school next year...don't really want to bring it up at this time

January 8th, 2003, 09:14 AM
Just be sure that you do man! Finishing college is VERY important!!!! Then again, I am sure you get told this by your folks also...sorry.

January 8th, 2003, 09:35 AM
Hey sorry you know how it is us "Preachers" as Reign says: We are allway's preaching...

January 8th, 2003, 11:58 AM
Suspended?.....very interesting....must know more

January 8th, 2003, 01:35 PM
All they did to me was take my keg!!! :p

January 8th, 2003, 01:39 PM
Man thats a felony and a butt-whooping where I come from!! That's almost as bad as kicking your dog!!

January 8th, 2003, 02:01 PM
darn tootin...
