View Full Version : Sorry

January 5th, 2003, 12:44 PM
I must apologize to a few people out there in CS land. Yesterday I got upset and blew my stack with some people. I also have been a little short with others for the last week or so. I must apoligize for that as well.

I've got a ton of stress right now and what used to be my out let for it (CS) turned into just another source and I lashed out.

Mostly at Iceman yesterday I apoligize I shouldn't have said what I said to you and I hope that you can forgive me and I hope to see you around on the server and if I can help just let me know.

Again sorry guys.

January 5th, 2003, 01:52 PM
np snake. I know how it is. Iceman is one of meverick's and mad_max's friends that's a newb to the game. Just help him out when u can.

January 5th, 2003, 03:56 PM
meverick? who's he...must be new...hehehe

np snake...I also understand how it is and no one faults you for getting a little frustrated...I admit that it happens to me often.

As for Iceman, just understand he's a n00b and to please help him out if you see him on the server.


January 5th, 2003, 04:17 PM
No Prob Snake - I know how it is. I'm sure Iceman could've gotten on your nerves, cause i could hardly play last night for helping him. But he had fun, and that's all that counts. After we left the server I took him into some maps and showed him around - gave him a tour so to speak. We had a blast and I got to n00biz him some...

So don't worry about it man...

See you round...

