View Full Version : Askin For Help Please Read

January 2nd, 2003, 10:00 AM
hello guys its me once more askin for some help from my commrades. aight i downloaded autoscript yesterday and wasnt happy with the results and as the idiot i am i didnt restore my files so now im screwed with the autoscript. what im askin from u guys is if u could send me ur stock cs files kb_act.lst , equip.cfg , radio.cfg , scripts.cfg , valve.rc, weapons.cfg , kb_act.lst . Im not to sure if this will solve my propblem but im hoping to give it a shot. i have tried restoring my pc twice and still was stuck with autoscript. only thing bad with autoscript is that it makes u buy armor+ammo+gun and it leaves me broke , so i downloaded autoscript / bind shifter and this one allows me to buy my guns seperatly without anything EXCEPT my pistol which i have to buy with armor+ammo+pistol and i dont know if its going to be the same even after i get rid of the regular autoscript. if anyone else uses autoscript/ bind shifter can u please tell me if it makes u buy armor+pistol+ammo, please.
peace ,
sorry for the trouble:(

January 2nd, 2003, 11:25 AM
Holy crap dude, if you need all that you might as well just doa full install again. You can get the updates from our file section.


January 2nd, 2003, 11:27 AM
I have 2 buy scripts. One buys full armor and an HE. The other buys all three nades. Weapons I buy manually. I find that I still have one or two seconds left before the round starts.


January 2nd, 2003, 12:49 PM
bah.. its all hax... just press the buttons geezzz

January 2nd, 2003, 04:32 PM
sigh............. damn i really want a buy script that is good . i unistalled cs today and reinstalled it with the right autoscript i wanted and what do i get besides CRAP, more CRAP. so now i have to unistall cs again, which is on my to do list :) . i just want a script that works good with my pistols too. does anyone know how to do scripts urself in consel. if u do please tell me.

January 2nd, 2003, 05:01 PM
do a net search on rze's cs helper

January 2nd, 2003, 05:37 PM
Toby....this is your area f00. I don't remember but it's really easy once you know it. HELP A BROTHA OUT GUYS!

