View Full Version : Accuracy

December 30th, 2002, 12:10 PM
I've seen some guyz getting 35% accuracy round after round. Is this possible?
What kind of accuracy should a really good player be getting?

December 30th, 2002, 12:29 PM
It could be possible. Do you see it often? Not really.

A really good player's accuracy could be good or bad. Some good players spam a lot which decrease their accuracy rating. I'm a decent player and only average an accuracy of about 25-27% with a decent K:D ratio and decent life expectancy so I'm not sure.

I would think that 35% is running on the high range and is probably unlikely amongst most average/regular cs players.

December 30th, 2002, 12:43 PM
Well I've played with you guyz a few times, and have watched you guyz play. You guyz are very good, but this guy that i watched he doesn't seem to play with any skill but he always gets high accuracy and a lot of kills.

Well if you ever get a chance check out this guy mortalengine who plays on C.O.P.S server.

December 30th, 2002, 01:16 PM
hmmm...well im a decent player when i want to be and i average around 20%to30%...i have had higher % before, but that is on a really good night...

also a lot of it will depend on the weapon you use and how well you use to it...

i would say an very good players accuracy should be around 28% to 30%..

December 30th, 2002, 01:20 PM
Well I can understand if you're having a good night, but on different days? makes you go hmm.
I'm a n00b so I spray and pray a lot, my acc sux maybe, in the teens.

December 30th, 2002, 01:24 PM
Accuracy is a very deceptive stat. Depending on weapon used and maps that encourage specific weapon usage, you can significantly increase your overall accuracy while not really increasing your total accuracy. For example, the use of shotty's on fy maps can greatly increase yor accuracy. As a rule of thumb, I am pleased with anything over 25%. If I notice a particular weapon under that, I try to tweak my usage of that weapon and improve myself. I would agree with Mercy though, that 28-30% is realistic accuracy for a good player.

December 30th, 2002, 01:28 PM
*falls over and faints* Dirge agreed with me? OMG HAX...what is the world coming to...:slap

December 30th, 2002, 01:42 PM
Ok I understand that dif weapons will give you dif accuracies, but let's say u constantly use a m4 and consistently get 35% acc.

December 30th, 2002, 01:50 PM
hmm...that would depend on how much you practice with a weapon, if you only use one specific weapon, then yes after time it is possible to get that high of an acc. percentage. you will eventually learn how the weapon recoils, how many shots to fire, and how the bullets group together when shot. So is it possible to have that high of a acc. percentage, then i would say yes 35% is attainable. Do many players attain that level of accuracy? no most dont because most have the tendency to spray and pray in some situations, and that will lower you accuracy greatly...but it is not impossible to attain that high of weapons accuracy.

December 30th, 2002, 01:55 PM
I think that if you are in the 28%-30% range then you are a really good player that doesn't spam (waste bullets on typical hiding spots). If you are in the 35% range then you in cal or should be. If the player shows no other skills then spectate for aimbot or anti recoil.

There is a new AK and m4 aimbot hack out that is undetected by VAC along with a speed hack and wall hack. Make sure you demo if you are looking for proof and look carefully. There are also burst fire scripts out there that allow certain weapons to burst fire 2-3 shots at a time without much recoil effect. Lots of things to take into consideration but give the benifit of the doubt to the player first off.

December 30th, 2002, 07:17 PM
I average 30 and above on accuracy. higher on official maps, lower on non-standard maps. something I don't do that helps that # stay higher is shooting/knifing at spawn, shooting at glass just to break it, shootin campers in the head to annoy them, etc.

December 31st, 2002, 01:19 AM
my weapon acc. is around 22.00 and up cant remember for sure, the reason why i would guess is because i like to fire shots just for the heack of it i also run around swinging my knife and that causes it to drop, to be honest i really dont care about weapon acc. just as long as i keep my k-d above 2.00 and my life exp. at 55% and up im happy. the rest i could give two cents less about.
