View Full Version : help

December 25th, 2002, 03:29 PM
ok guys i got some cash for christmas and i was wondering if i should buy an Xbox i have heard they are great. now i am prolly gonna buy and xbox and the first game i will prolly get is BMX XXX just for the pronography lol but what other games should i get??? i got a bunch of games for my ps2 so i don't really wanna get the same type of games for my Xbox so if yall could help i am not really into rpg games like final fantasy or stuff like that but i am into first person shooters like max payne. and i love most sports games so if yall could help it would be appreciated

December 25th, 2002, 04:06 PM
OK...this is easy.

NHL 2003
Conflict Desert Storm
Splinter Cell (highest rated game ever on XBOX)
Ghost Recon

If you get XBOX LIve:
Ghost Recon
Unreal Chanpionship
Mech Assault


December 25th, 2002, 07:05 PM
um bigone you know bmx xxx is available on other systems as well, right? And IMHO, Metroid Prime alone is reason enough to go play the demo kiosks at best buy first... Just making sure ya explore your options ;)

December 25th, 2002, 07:09 PM
I have to agree with Dirge..I would look around at all the games..getting an xbox is an investment..the games and all the stuff you have to buy..Just make sure it is what you want..Just my 2 cents..lol

December 25th, 2002, 10:01 PM
yeah but the BMX XXX for ps2 is censored and the other systems they aren't and also i have heard nothing but great things bout xbox

December 25th, 2002, 11:56 PM
Tracker...ANY system is an investment ya b00n. Im not gonna beat a dead dog (horse left:D) all systems have great reasons to buy them. Play them all and pick the one you like. XBOX is the most powerful but PS2 has the most games. GC is geared toward the younger crowd and has the best franchise games. Its all a matter of taste.


December 26th, 2002, 06:44 AM
Hey bigone, if you have the time browse through the different console forums here and you will see some various arguments for each system. But the best thing to do is go to a place like Best Buy and play the different ones... See which controllers you like/dislike and what not. And remember most titles are for all 3 platforms. Only a few are exclusive, i.e. Halo, Mechwarrior, Metroid, Zelda, Eternal Darkness, et al.

December 26th, 2002, 08:28 AM
Hey I say find a Atri 2600 and rip 'em up dude...

December 26th, 2002, 08:31 AM
I'd LOVE to have a 2600 again...3bit RULZ!!!!
Intellevision rocked also3.


December 26th, 2002, 09:11 AM

December 26th, 2002, 09:12 AM
:stu..hehehe...I knew that

December 26th, 2002, 02:25 PM
BB, I've got an Atari emulator and hundreds of games if you want them...just let me know.

December 26th, 2002, 02:49 PM
About the consoles, it all depends on the games you like. As BB pointed out, XBox has lots of good first person shooters and PC ports, PS2 has lots of RPG's to go along with the Grand Theft Auto Series (also on PC) and Gran Turismo, and Gamecube has its classic franchises (Metroid, Zelda, Mario Kart, F-Zero) along with some exclusive mature titles such as Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness, and Resident Evil Zero. All the consoles have great sports games. If you want online play, XBox is the way to go, followed by PS2, then Gamecube.

Dirge is right, you should find plenty of opinions if you go back in the console forum archives.

I will mention that Splinter Cell will be coming out for GameCube and PS2 early next year - perhaps with extra levels, but the XBox will have downloadable content and likely the most extended playing time. Ghost Recon is Cube bound as well (but probably lacking online play). Conflict Desert Storm is already on the PS2, and will be on the Cube early next year as well. Personally, I don't mind waiting a few extra months for ports of these games, but I'm a huge fan of Nintendo's franchises - I would take Metroid, Zelda, or Eternal Darkness over any of the above games...it's all a matter of personal tastes.

BTW, BMX XXX is the least censored on the Gamecube and therefore won the head-to-head comparison on IGN for the following reasons. It's ridiculous, but you asked:

- It comes with a sweet fold-out poster/map, the others don't.
- You don't have to unlock the topless rider option, its available from the start.
- Only the Cube version allows you to adjust rider breast size (very important in a BMX game, as it's much more challenging to pull off those tricks when you're topheavy :))
- Only the Cube version has the wet T-shirt babe in the intro video

Good luck!
