View Full Version : fan controllers

December 24th, 2002, 03:46 PM
i was looking at the Vantec nexus NXP201 and the Digital Doc 5 for controlling the fan speed on my computer...


but i dont know which one to get... and are there any better ones out...

anyone got any suggestions

December 24th, 2002, 06:21 PM
I am using the Digi Doc 5 and have had no problems with it at all.

I guess it depends on how many fans you plan on controlling with it.
I went with the digidoc, due to the fact that It is controlling 8 fans, and taking 6 temperatures within the case.

December 24th, 2002, 11:12 PM
the one from Vantec is nice, also I think thermaltake makes a decent one too.

December 24th, 2002, 11:33 PM
8 fans and 6 temps??? WTH is that??? How big is the damn case?? How loud is the thing??

Scott :confused:

December 25th, 2002, 05:20 AM
Not that big, about the size of a regular case, just has been designed really good. Able to fit three hard drives, and a burner in it with plenty of space left.
Its not that loud, Highest fan noise is about 48db, which isn't a high pitched squel like those delta fans, when all of them are on it sounds like a vent hood over an oven on low setting.

Here is a link to the case, its not that ugly beige though, I repainted it Midnight Metallic Blue.

If I can ever get a Digital Camera for Christmas, HINT HINT, *Yeah like my wife actually reads this forum*, or stop spending my money on computer fans, I would post some pics.

I think Ernie may have a pic of it laying around somewhere from the last lan.

This is kinda it, the case design is basically the same in the front, but in the back mine has slots for two 80mm fans, and still the slot for 4 in the front.

Uber-Case before Mad Scientist Altering (http://www.electroseller.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=electroseller&Product_Code=ST_208FP-400W&Category_Code=006)

December 25th, 2002, 09:54 AM


December 25th, 2002, 11:51 PM
how do you control the fan speed with the digi doc5... can you pick any speed of the fan or is there only a high, low, off???

December 28th, 2002, 08:30 AM
Digi docs are basically on or off, but if you are controlling the limit of 7 fans, you can que them up to come on and off at certain temperatures. It doesn't allow you to control the speed of the fans, just the turning of them on and off by temp or user control.
